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Aurelie Sweet
on February 22, 2019
Aurelie huffs as she has to pull her mane up in the pigtails for like the third time today.
"Damn wind. Why did I have to pick today of all days to try something new?"
Dimension: 848 x 848
File Size: 160.6 Kb
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"AIkfsdfnjsdfaflk" she says, the sound she makes only describable as "gay".
Like February 22, 2019
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"Oh I won't my heart can't handle them!!!" she says as she attacks Auri's now-exposed cheeks with kisses adoringly!!
Like February 22, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
The batpony laughs and enjoys the kisses, hugging the other mare sweetly. "Shhh, you're making me blush."
Like February 22, 2019
"You did it first!" she protests. Gay!
Like February 22, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
"Even when you look annoyed you're just too adorable." He grins.
Like February 22, 2019
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Liath Mac Medb
"Go ahead. I'll like it." He chuckles as he breaks through and makes her smile.
Like February 22, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Aurelie blushes and shoulder bumps him playfully. "Oh shush you dork."
Like February 22, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
He laughs and bumps her back, giving her a quick smooch on her snoot.
Like February 22, 2019