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Aurelie Sweet

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on March 13, 1994
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
The Castle
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Turnip Lounge
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Cute ponies
108 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would pass them a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Bright Brave
And she never returned. 😔 She was really cute though.
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Aurelie Sweet
"I'm back!" (Sorry everyone, Auri's admin here, been dealing with life and needed a break from things for a bit. But not to worry I'll be more active now x.x Sorry again.)
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Hello wife ^u^
Like June 7, 2019
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Liath Mac Medb
Deal with it.
Like June 7, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
They shall all deal with the ooey gooey goodness!!
Like June 7, 2019
Sweet like honey!~
Like June 7, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
It returns.
Like June 7, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Indeed, it does!
Like June 7, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
I shall prepare the sticky notes.
Like June 7, 2019
Like June 7, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Like June 7, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
welcome back
Like June 7, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Thank you!
Like June 7, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
We Should Rp At Some Point
Like June 7, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
What is with Inari (Inactive, Don't ask, respect privacy) and and bringing armies of adorable. Bare in mind I would tag but I'd get beaten up
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Aurelie Sweet
Auri has officially become a hermit, spending most of her time in the house playing with or cooking. The batpony has been enjoying her time living with And , so much so ... View More
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Abby won't admit it, but the bees have actually been a big step for her. She has rather bad entomophobia and has always seen bees as evil, but...with Auri around, dealing with the things...she's slowly overcome it? The fuzzy little fatties...they really are cute in their own way. And who could hate ... View More
Like May 3, 2019
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Liath Mac Medb
At the last second he turns his head and gets that kiss right on his lips. The absolute bamboozlin. "Good." He squeezes her gently in his hooves right before stealing a cookie and nomming it in an instant. "Do you eat the ears, butt, or feet first? Personally I like the ears but it depends on what k... View More
Like May 3, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri laughs as he pulls the ol switcharoo, kissing her right on her smacker. She rolls her eyes as he eats a cookie, shaking her head. "Those were for after dinner dork. What kind of an influence are you?" She looks over at who was with in the influence zone.
Like May 3, 2019
Tera Byte
The face of judgement that his daughter is giving him cannot be overstated. Tera will remember this. How come SHE has to wait but he gets one???
Like May 4, 2019
Tera Byte
Mama Awli is definitely Tera-approved-she had been slightly disappointed, at first, that her mane was NOT in fact edible, since it looked and smelled like honey-after the initial disappointment, she had grown to love the mare. Which is good, given Abby's occasional absences-when she's off stabbing m... View More
Like May 3, 2019
Bright Brave
Bright would watch the house in the evenings, through binoculars, far away. That was best bat in existence.
Like May 3, 2019
She's glad to be home. For a variety of reasons. Being close to her family is important of course, but if she's one hundred percent honest, one of the most superior 's cooki... View More
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Aurelie Sweet
(Art by Sonososony on ych.commishes) " has the cutest blush in the world! Wouldn't you agree ?"
19 people like this.
So coot!
Like April 11, 2019
"I Do NOT you can't prove anything that's gay I can't breathecanyoumufflemewithyourlipsIcan'tstoptalking" she wheezes. Too much adorable batwife.
Like April 11, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri giggles and presses a soft kiss to Abby's floundering lips. She pulls back after a minute and grins. "Silly cutie."
Like April 11, 2019
"I love you~" she whispers as her eyes water. Fixed!
Like April 12, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"Love you too gorgeous."
Like April 12, 2019
It cute TwT
Like April 11, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
Such a cutie! OWO
Like April 11, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri smiles as she takes a bite of a donut, sitting alone in the local bakery. The batpone chews excitedly before going in for another jelly-filled bite. It seems she has been eating a tad too much la... View More
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Bright Brave
Bright snuck from around her shoulder, nomming the donut.
Like April 4, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri already had more donuts waiting so she doesn't argue when the stallion takes her donut.
Like April 4, 2019
Bright Brave
The big stallion watched Lyle and Auri. He too munched his pifilred donut, longing for the smooches.
Like April 4, 2019
Deactive user
Like April 4, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri flushes and jiggles a little in her seat while eating her donut.
Like April 4, 2019
Cherry Bomb
Cherry could be seen sneaking donuts to this bat pony "Psst.....cream"
Like April 4, 2019
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Cherry Bomb
"Anything you need ill be over here" Shed give a wink before trotting off
Like April 4, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"Thank you hun!" She smiles wide
Like April 4, 2019
Cherry Bomb
"No problem cutie" Shed call out
Like April 4, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
He grabs the other end of the donut in his mouth and begins to much on it until he meets her in the middle and smooches her.
Like April 4, 2019
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Liath Mac Medb
"Fair enough, I don't think I've ever actually seen you fly." Come to think of it she does mostly spend time on the ground. He casually eats a donut. He's putting them away about as well as she is, curse his weakness for sweet things.
Like April 4, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Auri chuckles softly, nodding. Still, it doesn't quite reach her eyes, but she averts them before he can notice, focusing on the donut in front of her instead.
Like April 4, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
He squeezes her tightly and feeds her the donut himself with a smile on his face, cuddling right up to her happily.
Like April 4, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"I'm running out if time to hold you close, running out of time to be your maaan." The batpony sings softly as she trots through the aisles in the store, grabbing groceries as she goes.
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She doesn't know how she knows, but somewhere, somehow, her cocoa bat is being adorable, and she blushes thinking about it.
Like March 30, 2019
**demonic starts to cram two stocks of corn in his ears, anything to drown out the noise**
Like March 30, 2019 Edited
Takes out the duct tape. "I got you friend."
Like March 30, 2019
Like March 30, 2019
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