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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
on February 28, 2019
Wonderful commission by SparklyOn3 from Derpibooru
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 4.3 Mb
13 people like this.
Liath Mac Medb
Now you know where I get my good looks from.
Like February 28, 2019
"Why is your mom so pretty it's not fair."
Like February 28, 2019
"You think everyone's mom is pretty!"
Like February 28, 2019
"WHY DON't you SHUT UP DALLYYYYYYYY!" she screeches as she sobs. He right tho.
Like February 28, 2019
Like February 28, 2019
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
-New mysterious queen comes to equestria: Motives are yet to be determined- Script would write before snapping a photo
Like February 28, 2019
Tera Byte
"Gaaawwwwwmaaaawwbbbtttt." she says adoringly!
Like February 28, 2019