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Queen Maev Ní Ériu

Female. Lives in Gallowmere,  Beyond Equestria. Born on April 22, 1900
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The Castle
172 Members
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"My my, I truly miss days like these. My boys used to be so small."
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"In my century or so of experience, I have noticed something very important. If two crows are sitting on a fence post, and another flies in, but startles one and causes it to fly off, this is of cours... View More
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Lunar Eclipse
Oh my goodness.
Like January 30, 2020
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
Yes I thought so too.
Like January 30, 2020
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"There are only five ponies in existence not forbidden from speaking with me until I have had my morning coffee, and you are not one of them."
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Stardusk Strider
He raises his hoof to try and speak, but then slowly lowers his hoof in contemplation and thought... "...meow?"
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"...I've never heard a pony meow. Strange."
Like November 26, 2019
Stardusk Strider
He nods "I am 0.001% cat, among other things"
Like November 26, 2019
On all levels except physical, he is a cat.
Like November 26, 2019
Quirky would respect that and not try to make any verbal communication with her until she had her morning coffee. He would even offer to brew it for her so she didn't have to, not asking verbally as she didn't want to be spoken to prior to the morning coffee, instead holding up the various things re... View More
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
Thankfully she has servants for this already, who know better. A cup of steamy goodness is brought to her, because really without her the dealings of the castle grind to a halt until she's had at least a cup or two.
Like November 26, 2019
He chuckles a bit as he sees this, expecting this but still deciding to offer to be polite and nice as he decided to leave her alone so she could drink her coffee.
Like November 26, 2019
Tera Byte
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"No coffee for pretty young fillies, juice is much better."
Like November 26, 2019
"I'll heck you up."
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"It is unwise to anger the ruler of a nation before her morning ritual is complete."
Like November 26, 2019
"I'll heck you up after a coffee with a marshmallow."
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Slightly better."
Like November 26, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Mine milkshakes bring all yon gentlefolk to mine yard, and lo they reply "Tis better than thine. Verily tis better than thine." I could apprentice thee, but I wouldst levy a fee."
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Astral Empyrean
My frozen lactose based beverage brings all the young chaps to the territory under my domain. And public survey states that it is of vastly superior quality to that procured from thou.
Like November 24, 2019
I want visit this domain.
Like November 24, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
Royal Dentist: "You really should brush your teeth more." Me: "Yes, I know." Royal Dentist: "So why don't you?"... View More
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Obsilion and others
//I agree with the fucking dentist X3. I just had the exact same reaction after reading this.
Like November 11, 2019
Ditzy Derpy Hooves
"Thy coat looks absolutely delightful and soft. What shampoo doth thou use? I be most curious. "
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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"It's an herbal blend. Can't let my appearance fall behind you know, I've a country to represent."
Like August 24, 2019
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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"It does it's job wonderfully, no need to update what isn't broken."
Like August 24, 2019
Ditzy Derpy Hooves
"And how old art thou?"
Like August 24, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"A lady never reveals her age. However I will say I'm not quite as old as the Sun and the Moon."
Like August 24, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
It's been some time since she's been around Ponyville and seen her son and daughter in law. Not since the wedding really, such is the weight of being a Queen of a foreign country. However as it so hap... View More
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"Coming, one mo-" comes Abby's voice from inside at the door latch unlocks, a set of mahogany, slitted eyes greeting her-that's...Abby...but...something's off about her. Very off. her old soft browns have been replaced by slitted ones with a red tinge, and she has...bat wings...? Maev, however, has ... View More
Like August 24, 2019
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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"I'm going to look into it. The library at the castle is very old, something might be able to be found there." She wraps a wing around Abby and holds her to her side. She hates to see her in pain like this, it's clearly eating her up. This visit was supposed to be a happy one.
Like August 24, 2019
"Thank you...although I do like the wings, they let me carry additional kids..." she jokes with a choked laugh as she buries her face on Maev. She really appreciates her warmth more than usual now...
Like August 24, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
The alicorn smiles warmly. "They do, don't they. Who knows, maybe there's a way you can control it and not live normally." The sharp whistle of the tea kettle going off in the kitchen fills her ears, and she begrudgingly releases Abby to get up and pour tea for the two of them.
Like August 24, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
Just to make sure they see it.
Like June 2, 2019
Queen Lesa
Lesa certainly wouldn't forget her time on the island where Lyle was born. Without any doubt it certainly was a special moment when two hearts became one it certainly was magical in more ways than one~ It looked like she was the first one to read this scroll Queen Maev sent out.
Like June 2, 2019
Lord Somber
"Sire...a letter from Queen Maev." Spoke a Lunar that gave Artemis the notice. "I should've expected this. My own charm can be too much of a curse sometimes. It was sooner or later that she'd be sending me these types of letters, no doubt feeling as if she needs to get me off her mind. Alas though,... View More
Like June 2, 2019
Queen Lesa
Luckily for him his fiancee was checking up on their daughter at the time, she had already seen the note and had passed it on to one of his Lunars. She had very important motherly things to do.
Like June 2, 2019
Prince Solaris
Solaris read the paper carefully, a hoof rubbing at his beard in thought. He would love to see the country, but "soon" didn't seem like a good time to go with all the recent happenings. He would have to converse with his brother, see if he was comfortable with him being away for a few days.
Like June 2, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Goodness, I hope they got my good side."
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Gallant Frost
"I think it's lovely!" Gallant smiles sweetly, his blue eyes meeting the Queens.
Like May 9, 2019
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Gallant Frost
"Only being honest!" The stallion grins, glad that he had pleased her.
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Kind words either way." She sticks her tongue out playfully.
Like May 9, 2019
Gallant Frost
Gallant smiles, blushing a little. "Well, glad I could make ya smile at least."
Like May 9, 2019
Lord Somber
"That would require them getting every side." He grinned. "Wasn't me flirting by the way. Just giving compliments. I'm not allowed to flirt~"
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Either way, don't let Rose hear that, Prince Artemis." She grins cheekily while playfully fluttering her lashes.
Like May 9, 2019
Lord Somber
"Rose? You mean Lesa right?" He was confused before it hit him. "Ohh you are seeing some pony named Rose aren't you? Wait? You mean Rose Thorn don't you. The cutie Changeling? Not that I'm flirting."
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Yes, Miss Thorn. Her and I became close while I was here." She grins teasingly. "I know you aren't Prince Artemis, I am teasing you." She chuckles.
Like May 9, 2019
Bright Brave
Mwah mwah
Like May 9, 2019
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