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"There are only five ponies in existence not forbidden from speaking with me until I have had my morning coffee, and you are not one of them."
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He raises his hoof to try and speak, but then slowly lowers his hoof in contemplation and thought... "...meow?"
November 26, 2019
Quirky would respect that and not try to make any verbal communication with her until she had her morning coffee. He would even offer to brew it for her so she didn't have to, not asking verbally as she didn't want to be spoken to prior to the morning coffee, instead holding up the various things re... View More
November 26, 2019
Thankfully she has servants for this already, who know better. A cup of steamy goodness is brought to her, because really without her the dealings of the castle grind to a halt until she's had at least a cup or two.
"No coffee for pretty young fillies, juice is much better."
"It is unwise to anger the ruler of a nation before her morning ritual is complete."
"Mine milkshakes bring all yon gentlefolk to mine yard, and lo they reply "Tis better than thine. Verily tis better than thine." I could apprentice thee, but I wouldst levy a fee."
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My frozen lactose based beverage brings all the young chaps to the territory under my domain. And public survey states that it is of vastly superior quality to that procured from thou.
"Thy coat looks absolutely delightful and soft. What shampoo doth thou use? I be most curious. "
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"It's an herbal blend. Can't let my appearance fall behind you know, I've a country to represent."
August 24, 2019
It's been some time since she's been around Ponyville and seen her son and daughter in law. Not since the wedding really, such is the weight of being a Queen of a foreign country. However as it so hap... View More
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"Coming, one mo-" comes Abby's voice from inside at the door latch unlocks, a set of mahogany, slitted eyes greeting her-that's...Abby...but...something's off about her. Very off. her old soft browns have been replaced by slitted ones with a red tinge, and she has...bat wings...? Maev, however, has ... View More
"I'm going to look into it. The library at the castle is very old, something might be able to be found there." She wraps a wing around Abby and holds her to her side. She hates to see her in pain like this, it's clearly eating her up. This visit was supposed to be a happy one.
August 24, 2019
The alicorn smiles warmly. "They do, don't they. Who knows, maybe there's a way you can control it and not live normally." The sharp whistle of the tea kettle going off in the kitchen fills her ears, and she begrudgingly releases Abby to get up and pour tea for the two of them.
June 16, 2019
It's just another day as the Queen. She hasn't been looking forward to today but at least her duties would be there to distract her. Today she meets with a few of the druids that are chosen to lead the ships that would bring in the first wave of Equestrian guests, she has been met with a bit of push back with a few of the nobles as well as some of the populace that have always opposed her more progressive policies. Their views are not wrong, tradition is important in her kingdom. One of the most important values in fact, but despite her efforts there will always be those that don't agree. She has just awoken and is standing in the center of her bedroom while a few of her handmaidens brush her mane and tail as the captain of her personal guard reads off her schedule for the day.
"After breakfast you are to address a request by Énbarr of Manannán who has been pestering us about trade agreements with Equestria. They want to harvest kelp and sell it and the ambassador has been coming to the castle for days and the guards are getting tired of sending him away." Explained the grey pegasus holding the clipboard. His sky blue mane is slicked back and tied into a short tail behind his head, giving him a rather serious facade.
"He's a friend of Prince Liath's, why wasn't I told he was coming around?" She sighs. The half-breed sea pony was the go between between the ponies in the sea and the mainland of Maréire. He isn't very old and is in fact the youngest ambassador they've ever elected, being only in his mid twenties.
"I don't know Your Majesty, Prince Sainglend assists with your royal schedule my duty is just to make sure you are able to do them uninterrupted." Fionn explains.
"I may have to speak with my advisors later." They and her son set the schedule together but it was hard for her to believe that Sainglend would ignore Énbarr but come to think of it, it has been a couple of days since she's seen her son.
"With the druids preparing for the trip overseas, there have been many merchants requesting that you assist them with increasing their crop yield to account for the Equestrian's visit." The knight continues.
"They know I don't like to do that, it's hard on the soil. A bed of flowers or trees here and there are one thing, but fields of crops are another." She explains. It's handy to do in hard times, but it quickly depletes the nutrients in the soil and can affect the next harvest.
This continues for awhile as the day's activities are determined for her. Being a Queen is not as easy or glamorous as everypony seems to think it is, it's a lot of stress and expectations and not a whole lot of personal freedom. However it is her duty, she was chosen for this after all and she's bound to do her duty for the sake of every pony living in her kingdom. She caught a lot of trouble when she sailed off to Equestria to find her lost son, if she hadn't returned with news of his survival it would have made things much worse. She is escorted out of her chambers as her Captain continues rattling off her responsibilities for the day and down the stairs to the main hall she passes a painting on the wall and just stops.
"Your Majesty?" Her Captain addresses her but she seems entranced by the painting, a portrait of her late husband. A chestnut colored stallion with big honey eyes and a long, raven black mane runs down his shoulders. The stallion has a serious expression crossing his face, and a scar across his left cheek. It was just a simple bust, but the painting itself looks like it has a lot of time and effort put into it to capture every detail of the stallion's head and shoulders.
"It's Father's Day." She muses aloud. She hadn't forgotten, but she had to hear the words herself come out of her lips. Her expression turns melancholy as she gazes at the painting as if trying to commit every stroke that went into creating the portrait.
"Yes, it is." A somber air begins to hang over them like a thick fog as Fionn and the rest of the Queen's escort simply watch in silence. They know their Queen, and they know what she's feeling as this isn't the first time she's gone through this.
"He should have been here to see them." Her voice cracks as a lump forms in her throat which the Queen tries to swallow but does no good. "He never got to meet them." She sniffs and her lower lips quivers ever so slightly. She's trying her best to maintain her composure and stop her tears, but it's a battle she's rapidly losing.
"He would have been very proud of his sons, and of you." Fionn's tone changes drastically from a stoic knight to that of a long time friend. His Queen always gets like this around Father's day, and he is always here by her side.
"They should not have had to grow up without him, it has been so hard without him." Her face contorts and silvery tears began to slowly flow down her cheeks as she begins to sob quietly. "He'll never know how much they've grown." Her voice quivers as she speaks, her jewel like tears dripping onto the green carpet at her hooves.
"You did the best you could, he may be gone but his legacy remains. There is a little of him in each of his sons, and he rubbed off a bit on you too." Fionn retrieves a white cloth from a pouch and hands it to the Queen, who takes and begins to daintily blot her eyes with it.
"Liath looks so very much like him." Her makeup smears with every wipe of the cloth, but she takes a deep, shuddering breath as she regains her composure. "Make time for me to visit my parents today, Captain." Being a little over a hundred years old, her parents were long gone though their gravestones remain. Being of simple birth they were buried in the town that Maev was born in, a small village known for little else than it's farmland.
"Consider it done, Your Majesty." Fionn bows deeply.
The Queen takes a moment to open the small locket on her necklace she wears at all times, in it are two pictures. One of the stallion in the portrait, and another of her two sons as newborn foals. She swallows the lump in her throat as more handmaidens appear to fix her mane and makeup on the spot. She closes the locket and lets it fall into place back around her neck.
"Ma, hoo tha?" The voice of a memory floods into her head. Her two sons are sitting on either side of her as she reads them a story in front of a large fireplace. She doesn't remember which particular story it was, but she does remember the big curious eyes of her sons looking over at her. The question came from young Prince Liath, her sons at this point were barely old enough to speak. Sainglend says nothing but only stares at the picture over his mother's shoulder, he always was the quiet one even back then.
"That's your father, my little loves." She smiles happily, giving each foal a nuzzle with her cheek. "His name was Gallant Star."
"Your Majesty, are you ready?" Fionn calls her back from her memories.
The Queen nods, but before she starts down the stairs, she brings her own hoof to her lips and kisses it, then raising it to the portrait on the wall and touching the lips of the stallion in the frame. This particular part of the painting was a little worn as she does this three times a year. Once on his birthday, once on the anniversary of his death, and once on Father's day. "I'm ready Captain, let's not keep Énbarr waiting." She makes her way down the stairs towards the throne room. It was going to be a long day.
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June 2, 2019
Dear Princes of Equestria
Firstly, my sincerest congratulations to Prince Artemis and his fiancee on the successful birth of his heir, I wish the little foal the best and that she grow up to be as strong as her parents. Since the royal wedding here, it has brought a bit of change with it. It seems that not having visitors to my country for so long has left my people a bit eager and curious as to what exactly goes on outside our borders. Not much reaches us here as you can imagine and after much deliberation with the royal court and Maréire herself we have decided to open our borders in a limited capacity. As you can imagine this has only sparked more debate but I have manage to placate the populace that there would be limitations in place. As you are aware special rituals and prayers are required to access my country to get through it's protections safely, and as such I will accompany a small number of druids and ships to safely guide the first visitors.
Several rules will be in place for any visitors, and I expect everycreature to abide by them or be punished according to our laws.
1. No harm shall come to the benevolent spirits that populate the island. They are mischievous, but ultimately do no harm.
2. No goods shall be taken from the island unless freely offered by one of us. Trade agreements are not yet in place, and I do not wish to create any unnecessary disputes.
3. Respect our traditions. Our culture is old, and may seem outdated to some Equestrians. I ask that any visitors keep an open mind.
4. Certain magics are strictly prohibited, chief among these is Fire based magic.
5. The Foraoise Dubh, a great Yew forest on the island is strictly off limits for your own safety.
Any other questions should be directed to any guards that populate the kingdom, or your escorts should you have need of them. Both the druids and any guards or ambassadors I send should be treated as an extension of my will and treated thusly.
Best Wishes,
Maev Ní Ériu, Queen of Maréire.
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June 2, 2019
Lesa certainly wouldn't forget her time on the island where Lyle was born. Without any doubt it certainly was a special moment when two hearts became one it certainly was magical in more ways than one~ It looked like she was the first one to read this scroll Queen Maev sent out.
June 2, 2019
"Sire...a letter from Queen Maev." Spoke a Lunar that gave Artemis the notice.
"I should've expected this. My own charm can be too much of a curse sometimes. It was sooner or later that she'd be sending me these types of letters, no doubt feeling as if she needs to get me off her mind. Alas though,... View More
June 2, 2019
Luckily for him his fiancee was checking up on their daughter at the time, she had already seen the note and had passed it on to one of his Lunars. She had very important motherly things to do.
June 2, 2019
Solaris read the paper carefully, a hoof rubbing at his beard in thought. He would love to see the country, but "soon" didn't seem like a good time to go with all the recent happenings. He would have to converse with his brother, see if he was comfortable with him being away for a few days.
June 2, 2019
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"I think it's lovely!"
Gallant smiles sweetly, his blue eyes meeting the Queens.
"Only being honest!" The stallion grins, glad that he had pleased her.
Gallant smiles, blushing a little.
"Well, glad I could make ya smile at least."
May 9, 2019
"That would require them getting every side." He grinned. "Wasn't me flirting by the way. Just giving compliments. I'm not allowed to flirt~"
"Either way, don't let Rose hear that, Prince Artemis." She grins cheekily while playfully fluttering her lashes.
May 9, 2019
"Rose? You mean Lesa right?" He was confused before it hit him. "Ohh you are seeing some pony named Rose aren't you? Wait? You mean Rose Thorn don't you. The cutie Changeling? Not that I'm flirting."
May 9, 2019
"Yes, Miss Thorn. Her and I became close while I was here." She grins teasingly. "I know you aren't Prince Artemis, I am teasing you." She chuckles.
May 9, 2019
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