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Foresight Phantasma
on March 5, 2019
Reference Image (Base by Starlumi on DeviantART)
Dimension: 411 x 414
File Size: 103.42 Kb
8 people like this.
Diamond Glint
// Ahh! I saw this beauty on my Deviantart feed the other night! The Night Vale vibes are -strong.- Love the use of color!
Like March 5, 2019
Foresight Phantasma
<3 <3 <3
Like March 5, 2019
Diamond Glint
// Tbh at one point I almost wanted to design a Pegasus off of one of the Erikas, but decided it'd be too much trouble to figure out the wing placement. :T But it's neat to see there are still active fans of the podcast!
Like March 5, 2019
Cally Ber
I love it, but.. Are those telephone poles with the wires?
Like March 5, 2019
Foresight Phantasma
Like March 5, 2019
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
Reminds me so much of Welcome To Nightvale! I looooooove it!!! <3 <3 Check out my page!
Like March 6, 2019