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Casey Cuffs Cally Ber
Casey would barge into the front lobby of the PonyVille Police Department. The stallion looked around before inhaling and speaking loudly. "Alright, who in sam hell is Ranger Cally Ber?" He shouted ou... View More
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Cally Ber
A patrol pony was walking by Casey as he spoke up, the stallion stopped in his tracks and looked over Casey. "Uh, she's our Equestrian Ranger link. She's on the 2nd floor in the HRRT Office.", he described. He then pointed towards the stairs ahead before continuing, "If she's not available, I believ... View More
August 6, 2023

Casey Cuffs
Casey took a seat across from Cally, taking off his hat and setting it down on his knee. "Alright then. Here's all I wanna know." He leaned forward a bit, staring at Cally straight in the eyes. "Why in the ever lovin' hell do you keep sending these forms to me?"
August 6, 2023

Cally Ber
"Great question, Marshal." Cally stated simply before opening a drawer to her side and placing 3 thick manilla folders filled with paper, including sticky notes sticking out. In bold black marker read 'Activity', 'Finance', 'CompStat' on them with one word on each folder. "Finances. I'm gonna be rea... View More
August 6, 2023

Casey Cuffs
Casey just stared off for a few moments as Cally rattled off about finances and then began to insult his baby brother in an admittedly hilarious way. "...This is why I ain't gonna transfer." Casey responded, tapping the paperwork across Cally's desk. "Shits simple where I'm from. Ain't no bullshit. ... View More
August 8, 2023
#rp Darren proceeds to place a sticky note on Cally Ber's office door. The sticky note reads;
"What can you hold in your right hoof, but never in your left hoof?"
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Cally was just attempting to leave for the day, she was given permission to leave early for the day. She gave the permission to herself.
As the door was opening it went against Darren, "Oh! Haha, I'm not leaving. I'm getting food." She excused. The mare looked at her door and read the note before l... View More
August 5, 2023
Darren stepped forward a bit, seeing his brother's name. "Have you been trying to have Casey transferred here?" Darren asks, motioning towards the transfer form on her desk. "He's not going to agree no matter who tells him."
August 5, 2023
Cally scoffs before looking up from the paper to Darren, a half smile across her lips. "Bullshit." She stated with confidence. "Look where we're at Sgt."
As she said that, a small droplet was dropped from the ceiling onto the carpet of her office from a large brown stain above her desk. The Ranger ... View More
August 5, 2023
"No, it's not any of that boss..." Darren shakes his head a bit. "He doesn't like cities. He's out in the boonies for a reason." After speaking, the Sergeant sat down on the chair across from Cally's desk.
"He's prefers the rural areas. Not much for cars or big adrenaline rushes. He likes the quai... View More
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It was indeed handled professionally and well. Still can't believe all that happened under all our... uhh... snouts.
Professional isn’t how I’d put it exactly, but you don’t have the full story
August 5, 2023
Im around pretty often, i just dont bother with the affairs of mortals.
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Ah! It's beautiful already! I'm sorry I'm not around as much as I'd to be. You absolutely deserve the best at all times. Thank you for being so patient even though I don't deserve it. Hope classes are going great for you, I know you're incredibly smart so you got a hell of a future.
It is the duty of a Hospital Corpsman to wait in obscurity most of his life for a crisis that may never come, but when it does, he must give it all he has. The duty of emergency medical response is a broad spectrum of military medics and the civilian doctor who goes sleepless into the Emergency Room within The States. The difference between bloodied gloves and tattered cammies only stops there for those who put others before themselves. Although locations may differ, the sights and smells of those who endure will always blend in an artistic horror.
Blinding lights flashing in the open and sanitized Emergency Room interior increased in strength from the sleek metal of the workstations. Nurses surround a patient that is suffering from a limb covered in blood from the construction equipment that he uses to work. Blue scrubs covering the individuals of the room so that they may not spread diseases or unnecessary contagion to the patient. The doctor matches along with the crowd within the silence of awaiting possible death, only the beeping from a heart monitor shows any break of reality. A scalpel is carefully picked up from a wide variety of utensils for this particular procedure. With slow and careful hands, the white plastic gloves holding the sharp blade cut into the flesh.
"Doc!" A scream broke out to wake the young man from his comatose. The Corpsman felt the sand fall from his flak jacket as he jumped up from the aftermath of an Improvised Explosive Device. With the exemption of the word that the Marine shouted, there was only silence made by a constant high-pitched noise in his ears. A bright sun hidden continuously behind smoke clouds and dirt blew into the sky from mortars that could barely be seen or used much as a stable light source. A Marine with a twisted and burned limb lay next to him, his buddy applying a tourniquet to stop the excessive bleeding the best way he knows how. The young Sailor dropped his small pack of mixed items onto the ground, spreading it open to reveal a combination of lackluster tools and medicine. His bare and dirty hands had no time to waste with torn gloves already used, he grabbed the morphine packet bare and stabbed it into the upper arm of the wounded Marine.
The beeping from an electric heart was the only thing that seemed to steady the Doctor as incisions slide into the skin, sounds from a box have never made him more at ease. The patient, yet so damaged, sleeps so peacefully with the help of anesthesia. Nurses are continually scrubbing and cleansing tools covered in a velvet color, with never a stain on the equipment except for the blood on the blue scrubs. Each time the man reaches out his hand from the patient, the Nurses knew what to replace the tool with so that it may go more smoothly. He looked over to see the eager eyes of young studying students, wishing one day that they may live in his shoes.
Dirtied goggles stared back at him with a shaking head and a despaired look, the Marine turned back to return fire at the enemy so the Corpsman may work. Near lifeless eyes stared back at him as the Sailor grabbed the black Sharpie Marker, writing the current time and blood type of the Marine on the ground. The young man shivered after dropping the marker, sitting down on a small brick mound as he prepared his weapon to combat the incoming enemy. All he wished for is some sound that wasn't the constant ringing in his head, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the words of the patient as he closed his eyes. The morphine has worn off by now, but the patient seemed so peaceful the Corpsman could no longer look at him. The Sailor leaned into an embrace with the other Marine, wiping his eyes from the dust with his friend's uniform.
The Doctor leans back from the Nurse's hug; the room was loud with excitement that once again he was able to save just one more person. Once everyone left the Emergency Room, the old man looked once more at the patient's table that has been wiped clean with alcohol for the next one that will eventually come. However, in that doctor's eyes, the table was still covered in dirt, his ears still ringing, and that Marine again lay there in his blood-soaked cammies.
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//24 hr shift. I'm fucking dead.
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ON THE BRIGHT SIDE THOUGH... I did get some good tips and a deep dish pizza out of tonight, and some compliments for my singing. So it's worth it :P
May 29, 2022
Unfortunately, I gotta go back in tomorrow from 11 to 4... and I may have to stay longer. And I may have to come in on Thursday and Friday too.
May 29, 2022
Dude. Honestly it was great, but there was a problem that lasted a while from something. Good day but fuckin long. I kinda wanted to keep the OT money and just walk into detail since I was already there lol but I decided to give up 8 hours of OT and go home. Not really safe to roll into another day ... View More
//I'm sorry I haven't responded. I've had a class I had to wake up early for. My oldest fur baby is gonna be taking the long nap today. His name was Dante. I'll be unavailable again for a bit. Sorry.
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E no
I remember the first- and likely not last- time we had to... Well, yeah. I hated feeling him so cold. Hope he's at least peaceful for his last moments, yeah?
//HA. I fooled you all! That wasn't a like button, that was a picture! Fools!
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Fool! While you were eating up the yucks of that like button being a picture like a fat boy at a golden Corral, I collected up all the likes on this comment and became GOD!!!!
i don’t know what’s happening, i don’t know why i was compelled to hunt for a picture of the like button and i don’t even feel that much better for seeking it out
i just wanted to feel like i belonged

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