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on March 7, 2019
Here's my OC! At last, he has taken form!This was done by a friend on a previous forum I was on. Enjoy!
Dimension: 1024 x 883
File Size: 214.15 Kb
7 people like this.
The story behind the picture is that the Pegasus is one of that friend’s OCs, and Storybook had just saved her from TImberwolves, hence the torn cape and scratches. They added the cape, and I liked it so I incorporated it into his mental design.
Like March 7, 2019 Edited
I. Like him.
Like March 7, 2019
Thanks! I’ve got another picture, but he was drawn without a horn by mistake. I can still post him if you guys want...
Like March 7, 2019
Do it anyway!
Like March 7, 2019
Alright, sure. Hold on a sec...
Like March 7, 2019
Looks awesome dude! I like it
Like March 8, 2019
Much obliged friendo!
Like March 8, 2019
Darren Cuffs
Looks good. I like how simple he is. It makes him noticeable without being you know... ... View More
Like March 8, 2019
Thanks! If I had contact with them, I’d give them your praise!
Like March 8, 2019