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Ruby Rose
on March 10, 2019
"Heres all 4 of us together. I'm at the bottom, The fearless leader. Weiss." She took a moment to admire Weiss' beauty getting lost in her. "Sorry, Weiss is Above me, Blake above her and my Sister Yang at the top."
(Done by Dishwasher1910 not me)
Dimension: 474 x 726
File Size: 62.82 Kb
5 people like this.
Knight Wolf
Wow who made this
Like March 10, 2019
Basalt Alltrades
// give us that delicious source, give the artist some deserved exposure
Like March 10, 2019
Ruby Rose
//OH yeah sure. Had to re look for it
Like March 10, 2019
freaken awesome!
Like March 12, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
Nitro claps his hooves together.
Like March 12, 2019