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Knight Wolf

Male. Lives in Kingdom of Monros,  Beyond Equestria. Born on April 19, 1994
werewolf pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I love chocolate, games, anime, mlp, and stuffs. I also like food.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*As it was my birthday, I would invite , , (If you're still there, friend), , , , and to the party. This... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins, wearing a shirt that read "I WILL NOT TRY TO FOALNAP THE BIRTHDAY BOY'S DAUGHTER", showed up to the party early. Aside from the shirt that probably had the opposite effect she'd intended, she had gone all-out on her appearance, going to the trouble of actually applying makeup instead of chan... View More
Like July 10, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I snap and the shirt she had on was gone.* No. That's just painting a target on your back
Like July 10, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"But now you'll think I am tryin to foalnap your daughter," Spins complained.
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* Coming in with that shirt? Everyone would already think that you're going to.
Like July 10, 2024
*Anarchy would arrive uninvited even bringing along Dizzy Twister* Hi Sticky~ you haven't forgotten about me have you? Dizzy Twister:um... H-hello..
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* I don't believe you were invited... but welcome anyway
Like July 10, 2024
I'll try not to cause too much trouble while I'm here from what I've heard you've been through enough.
Like July 10, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would be near Stickman.* Y'know, brother, I haven't seen much of any of our outside friends here this year... Could they be doing stuff?
Like July 10, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I shrug.* Hey, wherever they are, they're always friends to me. Besides, I'd rather them do their own thing than me butt into their lives. It's time I start maturing and seeing that.
Like July 10, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel smiles.* Y'know... I'm happy you're actually maturing.
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
All part of growing up, I guess, heh. *I smile.*
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
* would receive a strange invitation from what looked like to be from me to an abandoned part of Mysterious Mansion. All it would say is: "How would you like to test your mettle against me?... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would send Knight a birthday gift... of a pile of meat. The best and most expensive meat too.* #rp
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Ghost suddenly appeared in front of King... but not HIS Ghost. Spraying the king with a Gallon of confetti, before plopping down a doggo cake with parts of his name misspelled. "Happy birthday Mr.Wol... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Today would be the 13th anniversary of me and my friends taking on our first ever adventure. To celebrate, Jewel and the others had set up a huge party in the USF HQ where all our friends and foes we... View More
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Hey. You've been a wonderful friend to everyone. You deserve to go all out, brother. Still can't believe it's been 13 years since our first ever adventure.
Like April 16, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would let out a triple D-like laugh.* Hey, imagine if I didn't take up that sword. We wouldn't have such amazing friends. *I hug Jewel.*
Like April 16, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Coincidentally, it's the 13th anniversary of when Blu and my kids went to the Amazon! *She chuckles.*
Like April 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins had already gotten absolutely smashed. When this little changeling parties, she parties hard.
Like April 16, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Ugh... someone prepare the vomit bucket...
Like April 16, 2024
Rasial, The First Necromancer
I'm on it. *Rasial would conjure up a vomit bucket in front of Spinneret.*
Like April 16, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I still can't believe you agreed to come to my party, Rasial. Maybe there is a heart underneath all that undead flesh.
Like April 16, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel had sent a message to Knight Wolf, saying: "Hey! I had learned a new magic move, but got no one to show it to as Stickman and his wife are at a diplomatic summit right now. I was wondering if y... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I had heard Knight Wolf was better, so I had went over to Monros to give him some of the raw Grill Griller meat I was saving for my restaurant.* #rp
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Knight Wolf
He was out on a date with a certain bat pony when stickman arrived
Like April 15, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Mmm... Oh! Elizabeth! Are you here? I have something to give Knight, but he's not here!
Like April 15, 2024
Knight Wolf
Back, finally done being sick
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Rayman-like) YEAHHHH!
Like April 15, 2024
Knight Wolf
Knight Wolf is sick, send soup.
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would send her bestest soup to Knight.* Here ya go! I heard a certain wolf was sick from my brother.
Like April 5, 2024
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Knight Wolf
Knight drinks the soup and knocks out
Like April 5, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
W... Was it that good? *She gets a look of fear on her face.*
Like April 5, 2024
Knight Wolf
Like April 5, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins approached Knight with a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. "Here you go, made with love! I squeezed some out of the chef whose kitchen I invaded!" She beamed. "And don't worry, I made sure there's more chicken than veggies."
Like April 5, 2024
Knight Wolf
He looks at the soup questionably, "How... did you squeeze out love?" he asks
Like April 5, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Look, do you want the damn soup or not?!"
Like April 5, 2024
Bright Brave
BriBra made special egg noodle chicken soup for the wolf boy, along with caffeine and antioxidant supplements.
Like April 5, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
How strong does the soup needs to be?
Like April 5, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would start the prank war against by sneaking into his meat reserve and unleashing Turmoil Stickman into it. Upon him landing into the reserve, I would hurry out of there and lock the d... View More
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Upon Stickman exiting the portal into the city, Jewel would meet up with him.* You sure you wanna do this, brother?
Like April 1, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
What's a little harmless fun with friends? Besides, I slapped a gadget on Turmoil Stickman as he was falling to send him back to his universe once he stopped eating that meat. Now, c'mon, let's set up these foam bombs. *We would stick to the shadows as we planted the foam bombs.*
Like April 1, 2024
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