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on March 13, 2019
Dimension: 508 x 99
File Size: 8.14 Kb
4 people like this.
Cally Ber
Is that how you got my heart? ;o; ❤️
Like March 13, 2019
Yeah it is but like aren't you like bleeding out should we see a doctor or something this seems bad
Like March 13, 2019
Cally Ber
N-No, it's just the effection I have for you leaking out to grow ❤️ Ah, shit, I'm losing color in my skin and.. Feeling cold.. But damn you warm me up
Like March 13, 2019
Don't die on me damn it! Who else will I wall spam and survive the inevitable Incel Apocalypse with??
Like March 13, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
Just reminds me of my D&D club campaign, I play the ranger and we're at the point where we are going to fight ALL evil creatures in the world.
Like March 13, 2019
>Crit fail bow shot >Shoot teammate >max damage roll... View More
Like March 13, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
I remember in this order, making a new character, killing another player character after trying to help them, attempting to cut my losses and leave only to get killed myself, and making a new character.
Like March 13, 2019