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Bright Brave
on March 17, 2019
Dimension: 640 x 594
File Size: 318.53 Kb
5 people like this.
Astral Mirage
*is from Ky and hates KFC*
Like March 17, 2019
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Astral Mirage
I prefer Lee's Famous Recipe, tastes better *goes to heat up her lee's chicken she bought not too long ago via doordash*
Like March 17, 2019
Bright Brave
Ill admit. I prefer Popeyes
Like March 17, 2019
Astral Mirage
popeyes is okay if you're into the whole cajun spicy thing. Spicy things give me heartburn, but it is good though.
Like March 17, 2019
//I actually saw this match. Why did you remind me of it again.
Like March 17, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
The Colonel hated KFC.
Like March 17, 2019
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Nitro Lionheart
He hated KFC so much that KFC sued him and he WON because it was never stated in his contract that he was required to promote the company, in fact. He used travel up and down the nation in a cadillac with a golden chicken on the front, go to KFC restaurants and jump behind the counter to teach peopl... View More
Like March 17, 2019 Edited
Bright Brave
Like March 17, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
Yeah it's kinda a shocker, but it makes me wonder. Just HOW GOOD was the Colonel's chicken?
Like March 17, 2019