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on March 19, 2019
"As much as I'm loving being here in Equestria! I do miss the Dragonlands... It may not have the grass and trees of Equestria ... but still had some amazing views! especially on the days that the clouds part.. and the sun shines down."
Dimension: 1200 x 608
File Size: 4.6 Mb
9 people like this.
"Wow..that's breathtaking." Skittles sighed out. "You're pretty lucky to have a view like that."
Like March 19, 2019
"It is an amazing view... The sky looks amazing at moments like this! But overall I'm very happy living in Equestria and seeing everyone here! But... The Dragonlands is still home in a way."
Like March 19, 2019
Adrian Coalhopper
Who is the artist?
Like March 19, 2019
Hrothy There is the link to their page on the site I found them on ^^ They go by Hagalaz
Like March 19, 2019
Princess Cadence
Hrothgar I'm about to get my first achievement!
Like March 29, 2019