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About Me
"Hello! well... I'm just a dragon really... breath fire... have a hoard of treasure... like cuddles... just normal dragon things!"
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Nitroxus Soulspins Hrothy
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the dragon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated on top of a bubble and popped the bubble to land in front of the dragon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumped out of a plane and pulled out a parachute and landed on the ground. He smiled to the dragon. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I wub chu. UwU
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*smooch* i love you~
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"From one dragon to another, thought to give a little hello while exploring around and in all well that your days are decent!" *Bows head with a friendly smile*
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*With a friendly toothy grin, he smiled with a flick of his tail, ears perked as he responded in curious thought.* "Oh, I would be privileged to have an adventurous companion to traverse the wilds and see sights with! Any time if you get the time yourself and see me around, I'd be delighted to get t... View More
September 28, 2021
The dragoness would smile eagerly as she'd happily sway and flicked her tail eagerly behind her as she'd listened to his offer. She Grinning back up towards him as she heard about exploring the wilds and seeing the world with another of her kind! "I'm Hrothgar! or Hrothy! Long story behind that... ... View More
September 28, 2021
"Such a lovely name and honor to meet you, Hrothgar! Hrothy.. sound's like a captivating tale over a campfire to hear sometime! Your excitement reminds me of my fluffy friend who's energic and positive.. Heh, I look forth to getting to socialize with you!" *He bowed his head humbly, vivid eyes gleam... View More
September 28, 2021
"Well if your plans are free, we could certainly enjoy a campfire under the starlight and the rising moon, tell tales that I could ramble for hours if unchecked and of course, the witty wild humor sure to follow! Besides... I am used to camping, sleeping under the stars or under trees. Such is the t... View More
September 28, 2021
"Heh~ A night under the stars next to a warm fire sounds like an amazing way to spend the evening! Watching the Moon slowly rise~ Camped under the trees~ " She'd giggle a little and nodded eagerly towards the other dragon as she'd listen to him talk about sharing his stories and telling jokes late ... View More
September 28, 2021
"It would be delightful.. I could start by telling many humorous lessons I've learned with some of my diplomatic missions towards other draconic territories claimed by clans and rules in lands far away... Captivating tales and my role or my duties preformed back in my once home territory prior to ve... View More
September 28, 2021
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