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Rio-Rio Russell
on March 23, 2019
“I’m not sure if anyone’s ever said that being beautiful was easy, but I’d beg to differ!” 😫
Dimension: 712 x 505
File Size: 263.65 Kb
6 people like this.
i've always wounderd how long it takes rio to comb her hair everyday
Like March 23, 2019
Rio-Rio Russell
“Oh I’d say about an hour and a half.”
Like March 23, 2019
Ice Wisp
African black soap hmmm
Like March 23, 2019
Rio-Rio Russell
“Just like a dream~!”
Like March 24, 2019
That soap is a miracle worker. Keeps the fur soft and moisturized!
Like March 24, 2019 Edited
Rio-Rio Russell
“Totally! It’s my absolute favorite!”
Like March 24, 2019
Sophie H.
Sophie just uses a shampoo for everything otherwise she gets confused.
Like March 24, 2019
Rio-Rio Russell
“Tsk tsk tsk... There is much to learn child...”
Like March 24, 2019