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on March 27, 2019
Okay so this is becoming a thing apparently, I am going to head it off right now.
Yes I do draw, but I am not a commission artist, nor a request artist. Please do not come to me asking me to draw things, even with money offers. My drawings are relegated to OC's and and friends' OC's I choose to draw as gifts.
My artistic ability is not that good and is metered by my mood, the moment I open up commissions there is obligation involved. I can't accept a commission and then go "Sorry I've been suicidally depressed all week and wasn't able to work on it." I'm sorry.
Dimension: 500 x 362
File Size: 683.12 Kb
3 people like this.
Amethyst the Hippogriff
*covers Abby in smooches*
Like March 27, 2019
Daddy Cambia
I feel the exact same way except I can't draw
Like March 27, 2019 Edited