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on April 4, 2019
Here’s the semi-finished version of the caged Hymn. For the life of me I CANNOT DRAW CAGES AND IT AGGRAVATES ME SO MUCH UGH. Buut anyways. What do you guys think about it so far? Do you like it? You might not like the AU (and that’s alright, I understand, it was kind of a spur of the moment idea thing, don’t know where it came from but it did) but what do you think of it?
Dimension: 1200 x 825
File Size: 685.26 Kb
4 people like this.
Charmy Glow
It looks great! Your art style is beautiful!
Like April 4, 2019
Vy Thresh
Cages can be hard to draw, best of luck with it. Just try to keep the perspective in mind and I'm sure you'll do great ^^
Like April 4, 2019
Thank you for your belief! It gives me determinitation to keep trying! XD
Like April 4, 2019