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Vy Thresh

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on October 10, 1996
Shark Pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
"Call me Violet and I bite!"
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Local Business or Place » Community/Government
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
My Little Minecraft
40 Members
Turnip Lounge
78 Members
@comp, ,@Suzie, , , , , ,@Amy callihan Thank you for trying to help me in one way or another. Some with RP, others with advice [... View More
10 people like this.
Snow Storm
AW these are so cute! Your expressions are great <3
Like July 6, 2024
Thank you so much ;-; <3 your skill is top tier tho
Like July 7, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
This is adorable
Like July 6, 2024
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Thank you <3
Like July 7, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
Does you do commissions?
Like July 7, 2024
I do but right now I would want to finish first waht I can before taking on more. [though having another dilemma to deal with rn ;irl]
Like July 8, 2024
Vy Thresh
This is very lovely! Thank you so much <3
Like July 7, 2024
Thank you too! <3
Like July 7, 2024
we r here for u
Like July 9, 2024
Thank you
Like July 10, 2024
Vy Thresh
What's something small someone did for you that absolutely made your day?
1 person liked this.
Nitroxus Soulspins
You sent me that photo of the hot dog.
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
Glad I could help <3
Like July 1, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Interacting with my posts, even if you don't know the lore! It makes me happy.
Like July 1, 2024
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Vy Thresh
I feel, it's really nice to feel seen ^^
Like July 1, 2024
Aww! I'm glad to know that. :) Your lore seems absolutely batshit insane. I want to know more.
Like July 2, 2024 Edited
Stay up w me to help me through the night
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
They sound like a really cool and caring person ^^
Like July 1, 2024
They are very sweet
Like July 3, 2024
The Great Papyrus has done many things to do make someones day better and his own nyeh hehehe
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
As requested, I took a picture of french toastified hot dog this time <3 Today I tried it with some maple syrup and that was kinda meh, I'm definitely sticking with ketchup, ahah.
3 people like this.
That hot dog looks like a worm or something with all that cheese or frosting on it. This is definitely some 4am food.
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
Ahaha, fair fair. It's monterey jack, not my go to but what was available.
Like July 1, 2024
Certainly seems like a dish that would work. Savory and sweet don't go together, but this is basically just chicken and waffles with substitutions.
Like July 1, 2024
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
They should start selling this at fast food places tbh
Like July 1, 2024
They need to put more chemicals in my food
Like July 1, 2024 Edited
Vy Thresh
Hell yeah, load me up with that MSG
Like July 1, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh, that's looks good. Real good.
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
It was ^^ Highly recommend!
Like July 1, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Will do
Like July 1, 2024
Vy Thresh
Girrl dinner! I had a hotdog, except I french toastified the bun. Honestly that was GOOD. I'm gonna do it again tomorrow I think.
6 people like this.
Sprouting Bulb
Like June 29, 2024
Vy Thresh
Yess <3
Like June 29, 2024
Amy Callihan
Here is a nice grilled cheese balogna dinner (Stoner edition) First take sandy bread of your choosing (White for me). Use cheese and meats to your tastes tho. Then proceed to lightly butter the inside of said sandwich. Then assemble with ingredients (try not to overflow the hell out of it) Add Ton... View More
Like June 30, 2024 Edited
Amy Callihan
Btw do not smash the bread when cooking the sandy. That is bread neglection and that is at least a stern talking to. From my fist.
Like June 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
Ooh, thanks for the recipe ^^ Grilled Cheese is fun to make! My favorite is adding some marinara for dipping.
Like June 30, 2024
Yes! Girl dinner favorite dinner! But second favorite dinner is a nice mushroom and beef dish, that hits the spot like nothing else. Stroganoff's a favorite of mine, and there's always a pot of it somewhere in my house.
Like June 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
Stroganoff is sooo good <3 I have a hard time with the mushroom texture, BUT the taste is great.
Like June 30, 2024
I've always loved mushrooms. I can certainly understand. What I really hate is water chestnuts. I got into making Beef Stroganoff because of my instant pot. It's fantastic as a pressure cooker recipe.
Like June 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Photo, please.
Like June 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
I already ate it, sorry! If I make it again I'll send a photo though!
Like June 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Like June 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
|| Happy father's day y'all <3 ||
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
Like June 16, 2024
Vy Thresh
Howdy, to anyone that knows. Where can I post feedback/suggestions to the site? The link listed in the CA Development page goes to a 404.
1 person liked this.
Bright Brave
Like June 10, 2024
Probably just bring it up to an admin or me. Thanks for letting me know about the link
Like June 11, 2024
Vy Thresh
|| How's everyone been? What's on y'alls mind? ||
2 people like this.
Doin aight unc🚬🗿
Like May 30, 2024
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Vy Thresh
Hell yeah ^^
Like May 31, 2024
Shii dab me up gang🫳
Like May 31, 2024
Vy Thresh
I got'chu 🤝🦈🧃
Like May 31, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Been p good! Got loads on my mind for upcoming stuff for my series. But right in the now, I got loads of stuff on my mind for stuff regarding Mr. Puzzles. Hehehehe
Like May 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
Ayy, very nice!
Like May 31, 2024
Feeeeeeeessssshhh Joking aside I been feeling a lot better, Did some pixel art today, and just eating at the moment ^^
Like May 30, 2024
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Vy Thresh
I'm glad to hear it <3
Like May 31, 2024
Wut about Feeeeeesh Fwiend ?
Like May 31, 2024
Vy Thresh
I've been alright! Had a scary experience, but I'm not hurt so it turned out okay ^^ Very eventful month, ahah. Next one looks to be too; I have some plans to hang out with friends and family coming up so I'm super excited for that ^^
Like May 31, 2024
Vy Thresh
|| Happy Valentine's day y'all! Hope everyone is doing well <3 <3 ||
Vy Thresh
Vy is staring at you. She is muttering something and pointing. Oh, she's just asking for the ketchup and pepper which happens to be on your side of the table. #rp
3 people like this.
The ghostling stared at her, Wondering just what WAS it they were trying to convey to him ?, Was it somepony familar is behind him ?, but that couldn't be the case as there wasn't any window behind him for her to see someone. Perhap's she was trying to point out He had choco-milk in his fur ? That ... View More
Like January 11, 2024
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Vy Thresh
Thank youu! *She sing-songed, putting ample amounts of ketchup all over her hashbrown and eggs.* How's your drink?
Like January 12, 2024
"Gugd." He said through some Muffle's thanks to his covered up face.
Like January 12, 2024
Vy Thresh
*Vy reaches over, gently head patting the ghost rabbit.*
Like January 12, 2024
Quick Buck
She salts the sharkie as a fry dangles from the corner of her mouth
Like January 12, 2024
Vy Thresh
Thanks! Pepper too, yeah? *She sets the salt aside, not planning on using it.*
Like January 12, 2024
Quick Buck
"Oh. Right." She would say as she would give the shark a packet of red pepper she had in her pocket instead of the black pepper that was RIGHT THERE
Like January 13, 2024
Vy Thresh
"Oh, I.." Vy tilted her head, momentarily confused. With an awkward guffaw she continued. "Ahah, yeah. Uh, thanks!" She poured it all over her burger. Red or black, pepper tasted great.
Like January 13, 2024
“You put that on your pizza and we’re gonna have a fucking problem fish”
Like January 12, 2024
Vy Thresh
"It's for the pasta, dork. But now I'm half tempted to try it on the pizza too."
Like January 12, 2024
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk glared over at Vy for but a moment as they were muttering, before he looked down to the condiments, before very slowly sliding them both over to her end of the table
Like January 13, 2024
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Vy Thresh
Vy smiled meekly, waving a quick thanks. "Much appreciated." It wasn't long until Vy doused her food in ketchup and pepper.
Like January 13, 2024
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk stares at Vy completely drowning her food in the stuffs. It made him wince a bit, but still give an assuring smile. "You, uhhh, you want some food with your ketchup and pepper?" He stated in a slight jeer at her!
Like January 13, 2024
Vy Thresh
"No such thing as too much pepper!" Vy looked down to reevaluate her decision. "Okay, but you might be right about the ketchup. Too late now I guess!" What followed was equal parts impressive and disturbing, the shark mare shoveled the food, eating it all in a quick two bites.
Like January 13, 2024
Vy Thresh
|| Just got back from Anthro Northwest, what a blast that was. <3 ||
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