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Lexus Nirik
on April 17, 2019
hay I got new wings are they good?
Dimension: 471 x 242
File Size: 23.48 Kb
1 person liked this.
A: smiles* this time... We won't fail. I am here, and Luna is back, so we can regroup. Who else is part of your squad? I need names of whom I must secretly go to...
Like April 17, 2019
Lexus Nirik
I will give you the names in the chat
Like April 17, 2019
"Alright, I see how you're goin with this. unchipped blades, pretty lightweight... My issue is the plating. It's glass. Plexi or no, that's going to shatter. Consider a metal alloy for your plating. Possibly more feather-like blades. Gotta keep the aerodynamics, and too much force in one direction w... View More
Like April 17, 2019
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"Nono. Plastic is even worse in this case. If its this clear and plastic that means its too thin. That is TOO lightweight. You ever accidentally step on a plastic egg?. Shards out. Not pretty to pick out of your hoof. And if your wings arent a certain weight you wont get off the ground. Metal. Alloy... View More
Like April 17, 2019
Daddy Cambia
"Depends on the plastic you god damn hack." Cambia belches, kicking the door open. "Given that Pegasi wings are naturally too small to sustain lift, a Pegasi's flight must be magical. Not even mentioning that in aeronautica, light is better. Polyethylene plastics are clearly superior."
Like April 17, 2019
"Wait.. Equestria has polyethylene plastics?" Gear's eyes open wide at the prospects "... Holy shit- then why isn't there any aerospace?"
Like April 17, 2019
A: I trust you mechanic, Just I was thinking on some things... Alloy is strong correct? We want wings that are strong. I was also thinking something that can make the wing blades sharp, maybe even shoot out... I've seen many beings with that, morely birds... Maybe they could also make them fireproof... View More
Like April 17, 2019 Edited
"Well the not sinking part is easy- just go fast. Ever skipped a flat stone across a body of water? As for everything else.. well I mean..."Gear tries to carefully mind what crafting advancements to divulge. "Babysteps. You work on the formula for the metal and the shape and I'll tell you one thing ... View More
Like April 17, 2019
A: ah... Very wise indeed. *he extends his wings and they glow a purple and red color, then he swipes his right wing in the air to the right of him and energy zooms out like a gun, hitting the wall and exploding, leaving a black mark on the wall* I didn't wanna break the wall so I didn't use my full... View More
Like April 17, 2019
"I... don't see how that was relevant to the topic at hand but.. okay?"
Like April 17, 2019
A: stares* wait... what was I doing? *he looked genuinly confused, something must have happened in his mind *Cough* Nightmaratack *cough* *cough*
Like April 17, 2019