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Bright Brave
on April 30, 2019
Dimension: 768 x 1024
File Size: 197.55 Kb
1 person liked this.
made my day XD
Like April 30, 2019
Bright Brave
Like April 30, 2019
Daddy Cambia
Cambia Amore (Age 7)
Like April 30, 2019
Bright Brave
Thats a mighty hobo thing to say.
Like April 30, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
I always thought it was go joe.
Like April 30, 2019
Bright Brave
You joshin me?
Like April 30, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
Well think about it for a second, it was yelled and it was so incoherent that it could be gleaned that it was go joe, instead of yo joe. I'm not the biggest fan of GI Joe mind you, but it could be a common misconception.
Like April 30, 2019 Edited
Bright Brave
Do us a favor. Go watch the original opening.
Like April 30, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
Like April 30, 2019