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Fable Daydreams
on May 30, 2019
What I do In biology honors, this is why I have a 92% X3
Dimension: 1200 x 1006
File Size: 661.99 Kb
5 people like this.
drawing horses on your tests is why your teachers love you
Like May 30, 2019
Fable Daydreams
I end up being the last to turn tests in, that why others students hate me XD
Like May 30, 2019
the other students are just jealous that you take time to do your work, unlike them as well as to draw the horses but MEH
Like May 30, 2019
Fable Daydreams
Cheers for the horses!
Like May 30, 2019
Those are some nice doodles
Like May 30, 2019
Fable Daydreams
Thanks!! I can do way better tho X3
Like May 30, 2019
You do commission?
Like May 30, 2019
Fable Daydreams
Oh no never have, yet at least, i'm not good enough, If you would like to have something done by me you could simply ask I need lots of practice to get where I want to be, so i'm down to give out free drawings if you would like one. ^^
Like May 30, 2019
Goddess of the Mad
If I was the teacher, I would give you an extra point just for the doodles. It would make things more pleasant for me grading the paper instead seeing the shame old paper over and over.
Like May 30, 2019
Fable Daydreams
Some teachers do comment, saying how silly or nice it was to see "horses" while grading X3
Like May 30, 2019