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Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
on June 13, 2019
Yep! I'm tired of struggling and trying to put myself in a box! How boring! Soooo, I've decided that I identify as both Bi and Pan~ ^^ I like boys and girls, but I don't feel like that necessarily matters as far as who I'd date or be with, so yeah! Hehe~ Happy Pride!
Dimension: 768 x 1024
File Size: 690.97 Kb
15 people like this.
Commander Wyatt Ryder
How dare you give my lonely ass hope! :joy: :sob:
Like June 13, 2019
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
(It's truuueeeee though! All I can do is stick figures! Terrible stick figures! Your art is next to godliness! :heart:)
Like June 14, 2019
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
((AAAAAAAAAA!!! *Intense flailing!*))
Like June 14, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
(*Flails as well because why the hell not?!* BEST PINK PONE)
Like June 14, 2019
((That's great! I identify as bisexual, and recently came out irl and it feels great! Happy pride month!
Like June 14, 2019