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Kamina The Hippogriff
on June 23, 2019
CREDIT TO LogoMaker FOR ALLOWING ME TO MAKE THIS. This is the link to it.
Who likes the logo I made? Hope you enjoy it! It's for my Village, and it also has it's own group! Please join it if you can and if you want to! Thanks :D
Dimension: 400 x 312
File Size: 40.68 Kb
8 people like this.
Ephemeria Spring
aaaaa this is good
Like June 23, 2019
Kamina The Hippogriff
Thank you, I didn't actually draw it, but I did recolor the wings and arranged the images. I also added text :)
Like June 23, 2019
Not bad! You have a bit of clipping on the right wing. Might be interesting if you color matched the wings to the rings. All in all it looks decent. ^^
Like June 23, 2019
Kamina The Hippogriff
Thanks, this is apparently the first time I had constructive criticism on here xD
Like June 24, 2019
My pleasure <3 I honestly love trying to give helpful feedback... so much so I think I offended some people ^^" Thankfully most people appreciate it.
Like June 24, 2019
Kamina The Hippogriff
EDIT - Just removed the group, i'm still using the logo because it's good and I don't want to completely stop using it.
Like June 27, 2019