Kirin |+| Nirik
Roleplay Availability
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Canon Universe
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins Kamina The Hippogriff
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large tortoise that was making its way toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I'm going to make a new Kirik character so see you all
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I'm a bit annoyed because my files just randomly faded into oblivion today. I know, it's very annoying.
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When someone likes your post but then they don't even reply to your message *facepalms*
And then someone else doesn't reply. *clones first facepalm*
And then ANOTHER PERSON - *facepalms a third time and then faints*
Sometimes, trying to get a reply is hard. But at least you got some attention. I guess.
Hi world! Oh wait - Equestria and some other random places outside of the massive community. I am probably going to stay as some random person that will never be well known +cri+._.
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I finally got back on >.< I now have so much more knowledge on roleplay, i'm not a Fluttershy clone anymore and I am ready to stop going iNaCtIvE
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Hello me.
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Oh, no. THE WORLD WILL BE DESTROYED! Yes, the WHOLE universe! If two of the same thing touch each other, the whole world will be sucked into a paradox and TIME AND SPACE will never, EVER, exist AGAIN!
June 30, 2019
Yeah. Which me is the me or me? *Both poof out of existence* Aw. I wanted to talk for a minute.
June 30, 2019
CREDIT TO LogoMaker FOR ALLOWING ME TO MAKE THIS. This is the link to it.
Who likes the logo I made? Hope you enjoy it! It's for my Village, and it also has it's own group... View More
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Thank you, I didn't actually draw it, but I did recolor the wings and arranged the images. I also added text :)
June 23, 2019
Thanks, this is apparently the first time I had constructive criticism on here xD
EDIT - Just removed the group, i'm still using the logo because it's good and I don't want to completely stop using it.
What Type of My Little Pony OC do you Have?
Vote for what type of My Little Pony OC you have here. I started this poll because I simply wanted to see the majority of the population. :yum: Well hopefully you vote, if not I'm content.
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I Am
Kirin |+| Nirik