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Cally Ber
on June 28, 2019
Dimension: 623 x 1276
File Size: 99.84 Kb
7 people like this.
Bright Brave
I guess that's sad. He could change it if he wanted.
Like June 28, 2019
**demonic has a coughing fit from all the dust Cally had to clean off this meme before posting it**
Like June 28, 2019
i looked it up. this meme is from 2014
Like June 28, 2019
Cally Ber
Well, I mean, the date is right on top
Like June 29, 2019
Goddess of the Mad
Like June 28, 2019
Deactive user
Old asf meme
Like June 28, 2019 Edited