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Bright Brave
on July 7, 2019
Dimension: 610 x 960
File Size: 61.7 Kb
4 people like this.
Nitro Lionheart
Like July 7, 2019 Edited
Scarlet Gleam
The Neverending stoooorrrrryyy AHHHAHAHHAHHHHHH
Like July 7, 2019
Nitro Lionheart
The only things I can remember from this is the library scene, the rock golems, and when Falcor dies.
Like July 7, 2019
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Bright Brave
Like July 7, 2019
I think one of the stone golem dudes skateboards
Like July 7, 2019
//I swear i used to sit there days on end watching this movie. Just play the tape, rewind and repeat, just staring in awe at the top notch special effects of the time.
Like July 7, 2019 Edited
Bright Brave
They still bamf
Like July 8, 2019