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Ask the 4!
on August 14, 2019
(Jewel) Come again?
(Blu) I-i don't know what either of those are.
(Skye) I'm... confused.
(Skystar) Could you repeat the question again?
Dimension: 800 x 450
File Size: 1.38 Mb
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Scuse the clipping for my foot. I didn't realize that until I saw it through this image, heh...)
Like August 14, 2019
O: Basically the New Lunar Dimensional Republic (NLDR) is with the princess Luna, whom are rebels to Celestia whom is in the Dimensional Solar Empire (DSE). Luna plans to overthrow Celestia on the throne and make it hers and all... Quite complicated though, but I am on the side of the DSE.
Like August 14, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Can you repeat the question?
Like August 14, 2019
Pillow Case
Uuuuh what?
Like August 14, 2019