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Scarlet Gleam
on August 19, 2019
Scarlet sat in the library. Bored. She opened a Daring Do book and began to read it. For the 10th time. Hoping she could travel to all the ancient temples and places in which she visited someday.
Dimension: 391 x 783
File Size: 56.71 Kb
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Ebon Heart
*Ebon Heart is chilling in a nearby chair, gazing intently at a book titled 'The Road'. He looked intense even as he turned the page!*
Like August 19, 2019
Ambient Waves
//so if you have no money to travel go places due to rent, rego, bills and such that you can't afford to really go. Well sucks go be you
Like August 19, 2019
Ambient Waves
Wait this is a pay2win book D: Oh no 2k got to books now.. Wait life is just a giant pay2win...
Like August 19, 2019 Edited
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Moonlight Shadow
but why me
Like August 21, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Because I love you bff
Like August 21, 2019
Moonlight Shadow
I love you too
Like August 21, 2019
Moonlight Shadow
reading is a way to travel in the comfort of home
Like August 20, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Very true
Like August 21, 2019