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on August 28, 2019
>being someone who enjoys summer a LOT be like
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Phoenix Genevieve
Everyone: "Oh I love Fall! Halloween is coming up!" Me: "I'm just here for the pumpkin spice."
Like August 29, 2019
What a white girl
Like August 29, 2019
Phoenix Genevieve
I don't even care. I need Pumpkin spice everything. Tea, latte, muffins, donuts, IT'S ALL AMAZING
Like August 29, 2019
Oh I adore the pumpkin spice tea that Timmies gets, along with the iced cap 💖
Like August 29, 2019
Tornado Turbulence
Gimme mah Winter already
Like August 29, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Yes so I can have some summer! (Australia)
Like August 29, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
I just remembered Halloween is a thing that people do. Most people here in Australia forget about Halloween and it is stereotyped as a thing only Americans do.
Like August 29, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
Hi, American here. Halloween is an ancient ritual we perform to scare the commies away, which is kinda why its mostly a US thing.
Like August 29, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Australians still celebrate it but there is no anticipation or anything. Like October 31st comes and we call out “It bloody Halloween today!” And the other one goes “Oh Those damn Americans, forcing us to celebrate this stuff. Anyway Happy Halloween mate!” And they buy some Tim tams and give them to... View More
Like August 29, 2019 Edited
Captain Sky N Nova
I have no idea what tim tams are, but from what I've heard the rest of the world doesn't know a true XL soda until they come over here.
Like August 29, 2019
I mean I make the entire month of October spooky with both RP and cosplay <3
Like August 29, 2019