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on September 16, 2019
"Eeeee! So many new creatures to meet!" Chelsea squeaked excitedly.
Dimension: 894 x 894
File Size: 234.51 Kb
13 people like this.
Amity Guard
Amity gasped before trotting up to her and holding her claws in his hooves. "You're absolutely adorable and precious."
Like September 16, 2019
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Amity Guard
"Pleasure to meet you, Chelsea." His own ears perked up from his messy mane. "Would you wanna get Ice cream? Dinner?"
Like September 16, 2019
“ about some sweet treats?” Chelsea asked.
Like September 16, 2019
Amity Guard
"Sweet treats it is! I know a great cafe and bakery if that interests you." He said as he finally let go of her claws.
Like September 16, 2019
Bluey (The Half Pony, Half Tartarus Demon)
Bluey stumbled into Chelsea accientally, as he falls back to the ground with a thud. "Ow..." His vision comes back to his senses, as he looks up to find a Griffon. "Oh...sorry about that." He apologies calmly.
Like September 16, 2019
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“What are you?” Chelsea asked astonished.
Like September 16, 2019
Bluey (The Half Pony, Half Tartarus Demon)
Bluey sighs in disbelief. "I'm not like anypony else...I'm half pony, but also half Tartarus Demon as well...I don't want you to say I'm a freak or anything..." Bluey closes his eyes as he starts to whimper.
Like September 16, 2019 Edited
“You’re no freak...” Chelsea said coming in and hugging Bluey close.
Like September 16, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
"You look short...."
Like September 16, 2019
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Captain Sky N Nova
Like September 16, 2019
Ambient Waves
We will take this to the RL PM's thank you..
Like September 16, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
Bring it
Like September 16, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
//by the way, I commented on this and went offline 2 hours ago and now I have 53 notifications relating to this post. Ugh.
Like September 16, 2019
Bluey (The Half Pony, Half Tartarus Demon)
//Welcome to the Notification Squad.
Like September 16, 2019
Ambient Waves
//Adds another~<3
Like September 16, 2019