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on October 11, 2019
Another vent post. Last one I made almost got me banned so I'll try to make sure this one isn't bannable too but if it is oh well.
October marks the yearly anniversary of my coming out. This particular year is the fifth year since. Five years in the closet. Five years of hiding beyond online aliases. Five years of looking over my shoulder. Five years of subversive planning, five years of crying behind the mask of a smiling persona, five years of testing the waters with random strangers to find anyone to cling to. Five years of fighting murderous urges towards those that keep me in the closet, five years of ruining friendships with the anger that will never have an outlet. Five years of pretending to be a good little Christian child because in this household anyone who sets a toe out of line is dead to the rest.
I am not as nice a person as you all believe me to be. My heart is full of so much hatred and the only reason I get up every day is because I can. Spite is my only motivator, and the only fear I hold is that of more pain.
If there's any takeaway I have for all you cartoon horse fucks, it's to chin the fuck up. I hate your weakness. All of you. Every complaint I see, every vent I observe, every whine I're going to get past it. And probably sooner than you think. If I can endure this as long as I have, then you can too. Perhaps not with my same level of duress, but to purport I'm some sort of goddess for being able to survive with no anti-depressants, no significant other, no physical comfort-I'm not. I'm just you, but I've let my hatred replace my hope. I've said no because others said no first.
And for the love of fuck keep your pity posts out of here. Your pity does nothing for me.
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10 people like this.
Silver Shield
I can seriously appreciate the introspection that went into this. The next step, is to find a way to get through life that doesn't involve clinging onto that hatred and spite. I know you're probably too cynical to really take me seriously, but it is possible, and I say that with no condescension o... View More
Like October 11, 2019
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It's not as if I'm not, but life isn't a movie. I can't just move out and be who I want tomorrow. Or in five years, as it were. It's a long process. One that no one is helping me with. I have to do this alone.
Like October 11, 2019
Silver Shield
Well, a lot can change in a short amount of time too. You might be dealing with it alone now, but I'm sure you won't be forever. <3
Like October 11, 2019
A sweet sentiment but really, what can people do for me? Being trans isn't really anything that people can help with. I'm not going to ask people to fund my personal journey. I'm not that privileged, entitled cunt that thinks the world owes me the funding for a new person. This is my journey. But at... View More
Like October 11, 2019
>I am not as nice a person as you all believe me to be. I'm saving this for latter use
Like October 11, 2019
You already know it's true, of all people. You get on my wrong side and I'll ENJOY making your life hell. It's an art.
Like October 11, 2019
I know it's true, i just find odd how people don't see it and treat you as this perfect human who shouldn't get any hate. ALSO I DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT, I'M DOING A GREAT JOB ON MY OWN THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Like October 11, 2019
I do it better than you doooooooo And they don't see it because I don't actively treat people like shit unless they do something to deserve getting the shit kicked out of them. <3
Like October 11, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I run on spite by this point too. Oh, and comedy. I make others laugh and try to laugh myself with anything I can because... I've got nothing else really. I'm the same as you, I've survived with no significant other or anti-depressants and I, irl, am a cunt. I know you can be an utter bitch, you're ... View More
Like October 11, 2019
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I love you too bitch, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to subscribe to bobs so I can come tease you mercilesly while we're pounding down fish and chips and getting wasted on scotch which we will do some day
Like October 11, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
We fucking better. And I'll definitely pound down something that day xD
Like October 11, 2019
Like October 11, 2019
Queen Lesa
As for what I run on? I still try to help out others. Surprise people with gifts, I still do because I just love seeing there reaction. xD I just be myself. That one person who can be seen talking to themselves a lot. ;P It's true I do, but I haven't answered myself back yet so that's a plus. I'll... View More
Like October 12, 2019