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on October 30, 2019
I have a question, what is Celestia's relationship with Cadence? Apparently BlueBlood is the cousin of with Cadence, and BlueBlood is a distant nephew of Celestia. Does that mean that Celestia is related to Cadence? For anyone wondering what Blueblood looks like
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Maxh Vezpyre
"But can I marry a Princess!? that's the greatest question"
Like October 30, 2019
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Celestia is so shocked that she does nothing. Once she understands what is going on she tells him, "Listen, put me down or I'll get someone here. Anyone other than Blueblood "
Like October 30, 2019 Edited
Maxh Vezpyre
"Celly we're going shopping." He responded and continued to take her away, for she got shopping to do and cake to eat with him.
Like October 30, 2019
Like October 30, 2019
QC // Queen Chrysalis
Cadance is the adopted niece of Celestia.
Like October 30, 2019
How. Did. I. Not. Know. This?
Like October 30, 2019
QC // Queen Chrysalis
I guess you disowned her.
Like October 30, 2019
I believe she's her aunt.
Like October 30, 2019
I should look into it but I'm not sure
Like October 31, 2019
The best explanation I've heard is that Blueblood is a descendant of Princess Platinum, the unicorn princess from the hearth's warming play. And his title is honorary but he holds no real political power, it's mostly out of respect for Princess Platinum.
Like October 31, 2019
" looks like I'm not the only Detective "
Like October 31, 2019