Earth Pony
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist

Nitroxus Soulspins Bombora
*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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2 looks more rough and tumble type guy while 4 looks similar but like he would care more .....the best way to put it they look like they're both fit rough and hot but the 2nd one looks more like the type of guy that would just sleep with a woman and then leave while the 4th looks like actual relatio... View More
January 18, 2023
Lillabelle People are LOVING the orange. After looking away and then back, I can see why. It's really punchy.
January 17, 2023
"You're gonna regret ignoring me," he said, pool noodle in-hoof.
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“You’re gonna regret making me regret ignoring you.” Cynbel pulls out *two* pool noodles and clearly intended to use them.
"I refuse to believe anypony has ever ran for more than a mile." The out-of-shape lifeguard bemused. "Any footage you see where somebody runs over a mile is fake."
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Bombora shook his tin cup. He forgot that he didn't work during the winter (since no pools were open) so he resorted to street performances to get by. He danced a little jig as ponies threw their extr... View More
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Vanil takes a glance at Bombora and passes him, only to reverse back to take a better look at him. She taps her chin some, trying to remember his face. "..hey, you're the stallion at the pool a while back. The one singing elevator rock and snapped when I- someone said the words wrong." she said to h... View More
December 19, 2022
Her somewhat neutral expression switched into a frown upon hearing him. She took out a thermos from her saddlebag and brought it close to his tongue. "That's a stupid thing to do, even for a street clown" she said, pouring warm water between the pole and his tongue to free it.
December 20, 2022
"Meeeh," he groaned. Vanil's warm water immediately freed his organ so that it now just hung out of his mouth. He stuck it out at her and blinked furiously. "I'm trying' to make a living!" he complained. The compassionate unicorn didn't get thanks from him. He sighed. "If I can't lick a pole, I can'... View More
December 28, 2022
They called it Butt Rock. Maybe it was. That music from almost two decades ago. Had it really been that long? It was simple music with simple messages. Fight against the man, soak in angst, work toget... View More
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"NO!" he interjected, but the song kept going. "There's no 'aye!' in the song, they don't say 'aye!' Great! Good! I lost my place!" Bombora nodded his head to the song again, trying to get back on beat. "Live and learn! You may never find your waaayyy-heeeyyyyyy! Nope, you- you ruined it. You ruined... View More
December 9, 2022
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Earth Pony