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Rio-Rio Russell
on November 3, 2019
Aww shucks! Nick Valentine(artist) done caught my kids misbehavin’ again!
Dimension: 377 x 537
File Size: 279.34 Kb
2 people like this.
Nooo Sister how could you!?
Like November 3, 2019
Rio-Rio Russell
“It had to be done. They just couldn’t take no for an answer for some reason. Their fates were sealed from that moment.” She shrugged as she pulled out a small bottle of bubble soap. She slowly levitated the wand as she inhaled, then held it to her lips as she exhaled, a long string of bubbles were ... View More
Like November 3, 2019
Ah, well then! I get it now, they deserved it. *she nods*
Like November 3, 2019
Detective synths can art good
Like November 3, 2019