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Lemon Jubilee
on December 31, 2019
The deceptive beast: Toxic Muffin
The Toxic Muffin is an insectoid species that mimics the iconic look of the draconic species, the Love Muffin. Toxic Muffins mimic many factors of the Love Muffins such as their one foot tall height, their big eyes and cheeks, and their fur. Toxic Muffins stalk their prey and take them down by latching on with their strong tail and biting into them with their poison filled fangs. Points for the perspective if you noticed the extra set of eyes under the first. That just might save your life if you can spot it far beforehand. You won't escape them if you wandered too close. They have surprising speed and will swarm you if you struggle. It is reported that their bite is incredibly painful thanks to their oversized fangs.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 853.32 Kb
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Lemon Jubilee
Once they do catch their prey, the prey usually die from the poison. They tear into the carcass with their several tiny teeth and cut the meat down to bit sized portions. A pony could feed a swarm of up to 10.
Like December 31, 2019