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Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
on January 5, 2020
//Sorry for my un-explained absence, but smote horse as always has returned from the void!
Dimension: 1200 x 675
File Size: 275.13 Kb
10 people like this.
You get lost in a dark realms?
Like January 5, 2020
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
"Is something of the season, but yes.. all is good to do now!"
Like January 5, 2020
this is really gorgeous c: I love the trees a lot,,
Like January 5, 2020
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
Artist is very talent, too bad will never be fully done. Artist is Loocksto on DA
Like January 5, 2020
Bright Brave
Bravo. 👏👏👏
Like January 5, 2020