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Spectrum Wave & Others
on January 22, 2020
New tall stallion OC, Ox For'd. made him because I wanted to, since the idea came to mind.
Categories: Digital Art
Dimension: 1200 x 800
File Size: 183.67 Kb
10 people like this.
Knight Wolf
Finally, a pony of my size, we shall be the best of friends
Like January 23, 2020
Spectrum Wave & Others
I'm sure the friendship would be appreciated
Like January 23, 2020
Pat Pending
"Big ponies are overrated, we need more thinkers" the cat said adjusting his glasses
Like January 23, 2020
Spectrum Wave & Others
"As if I chose my own size, kitten." The large stallion said, as he reached down and patted the cat on his head.
Like January 23, 2020
I guess you could say that the mare in the cart finds him to be tall, dark, and handsome.
Like January 23, 2020
Spectrum Wave & Others
Perfectly accurate xD
Like January 23, 2020
I couldn’t *not* make that joke.
Like January 23, 2020
Frost Bite the Guardian
I draw him? I draw him :3
Like January 23, 2020