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Prince Glaciem
on February 22, 2020
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to sketch Glaciem as a seapony visiting Seaquestria. Everything was done by me with help from some tutorials. Please let me know what you think as I am starting to learn more advanced buttons on the coloring programs.
Dimension: 816 x 1122
File Size: 837.11 Kb
3 people like this.
Lemon Jubilee
It's pretty good. Though, in my opinion, the legs are a little small compared to the rest of the body. And posed awkwardly. Try bending to first part of the leg more up and closer to the chest. And maybe excentuate the hoof joint by bending it more. Personally, I find the muzzle a little too thick b... View More
Like February 22, 2020 Edited
Prince Glaciem
I greatly appreciate the constructive criticism. I agree his legs are a little small compared to the rest of his body and will try to rectify that. But I do have questions if I may ask them. I believe his muzzle may be to thick also. Are the legs to thin or to short or both? And how much should I s... View More
Like February 22, 2020 Edited
Lemon Jubilee
I'd say it would more so be that the legs are too thin but I feel like the legs also maybe a tad to short. You can sketch a very light but rough shape of his body and make his legs longer to see how it looks. Normally, I'd go somewhere under the eyes for the muzzle. But I think for Glaciem, his muzz... View More
Like February 22, 2020