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Prince Glaciem

Male. Lives in Cocoa,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on April 11, 1990
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Prince of Equestria (AU)
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Prince Glaciem
My newest sketch, Glaciem hates bullies and he just heard about Seabreeze’s…uhm…leadership.
Prince Glaciem
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my picture with everypony here.
11 people like this.
Princess Starwatcher
Hello,good to see you again
Like September 6, 2023 Edited
Prince Glaciem
Good to see you again as well :D
Like September 6, 2023
Amber Sunstar
This is amazing and looks so wonderful! Great job <3
Like September 6, 2023
Prince Glaciem
Thank you so much! :Dd
Like September 6, 2023
Olive Drab
looks awesome!
Like September 6, 2023
Prince Glaciem
Thank you kindly :)
Like September 6, 2023
Olive Drab
np!~ <3
Like September 6, 2023
Prince Glaciem
Wow, it's been a while since I posted a picture, So I found a tutorial on a 3/4 turn/ Center facing pony faces by RedApropos on Deviantart. So I decided to have a little fun with the facial expressio... View More
9 people like this.
Princess Celestia
Because why not? You’ve been alive for over a thousand years. Surely you’ve seen just about everything by now. Can’t be that bad. … can it?
Like April 17, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large tortoise that was making its way toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Prince Glaciem
*I smile* "Why thank you very much"
Like April 11, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help. Are you going to open the gift?
Like April 12, 2023
Prince Glaciem
“But of course” *He opens it with a smile forming*
Like April 12, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Inside was the one gift that he truly wanted.*
Like April 13, 2023
Prince Glaciem
Hello All!
1 person liked this.
Greetings, my liege
Like March 2, 2023
Prince Glaciem
Greetings, how are you today?
Like March 6, 2023
greetings. sleepy boi is here
Like March 6, 2023
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Prince Glaciem
"Ah, hello Sleepy Boi, how are you today?"
Like March 6, 2023
Sleep deprived and tired of people disturbing my sleep...otherwise i'm good
Like March 7, 2023
Prince Glaciem
"Well then my friend, don't let me stop you from getting the rest you need :)"
Like March 7, 2023
Prince Glaciem
(Another Hypotaneuse AI picture concept for Nightmare Fury)
Prince Glaciem
(So recently I put some OC's into an AI to see if I could get any concepts to use for any of them. Boy did I; These are Queen Gaia and Nightmare Fury, the spirit of Battle in concept form.)
Prince Glaciem
(Hey everyone, I just wanted to show you the voice actors I had in mind for my OC's and they are: Lance Henrikson, in his Kerchak Voice, as Glaciem Loreena Mckennitt, her own voice, as Queen Gaia And ... View More
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Prince Glaciem
Hello everycreature, I just wanted to you to meet my Older Brother, Luminous Shine as colored in by Prince Silver! Credit for the base goes to whoever made it.
1 person liked this.
Prince Glaciem
(A commission by the awesome Imaplatypus on Deviantart.)
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