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Bright Brave
on February 25, 2020
I just wanna be like my role model, Jesus.
Dimension: 1020 x 680
File Size: 358.08 Kb
5 people like this.
Polo Fastter
that the same guy
Like February 25, 2020
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then why are you using it as evidence?
Like February 25, 2020
Polo Fastter
I mean the doom three easter egg talk about doom guy
Like February 25, 2020
It's not a easteregg. . it's STRAIGHT up said that the doomguy fought hell and stopped them. HOWEVER! since he didn't seal hell away, so hell kept coming back till they killed almost everyone on earth and everyone on mars. . . and what did doomguy do? Nothing. . . for at this point he'd been dea... View More
Like February 25, 2020
if you ever, and i mean EVER talk shit about doomguy again i will throw the FUCK DOWN
Like February 25, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
Like February 25, 2020
more like Ephemeria "female who likes other females, sexualy, and would date and marry a female because she dosn't sexualy like males"
Like February 25, 2020
Bright Brave
But I am the virgin guy.
Like February 25, 2020