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Twilight  Sparkle
on May 7, 2020
Good evening, ponies and horses of the Internet. Finally going to relax soon after I grab a bite. How is everyone doing?
Dimension: 500 x 589
File Size: 620.73 Kb
8 people like this.
I'm rather good myself as well.
Like May 7, 2020
Twilight  Sparkle
Glad to hear! I hope these times haven’t been too hard on you.
Like May 7, 2020
There's been some anxiety about the future but I've been holding out so far.
Like May 7, 2020
Phoenix Wind
Not bad. Just trudging along. Hope you're hanging in as best you can.
Like May 7, 2020
Pride has a headache from starving the fat off of his stomach. Exercise alone isn't enough. He's been drinking black coffee and eating flavorless ramen when he has to drink/eat. He needs to get hawtter to compensate for his rough face. It has incurable ugliness Quarantine sounds like endless anime ... View More
Like May 7, 2020 Edited
I'm doing alright but whatcha' eatin' there?
Like May 8, 2020