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Phoenix Wind

Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on July 27, 2000
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Aerospace/Defense
The Castle
172 Members
Solus Imperium
15 Members
Phoenix Wind
#rp Phoenix dropped his elbows onto the table as he sat down "Alright, show me what sort of weapons you've got"
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Bright Brave
"For sale? What I carry on me? Or my collection?"
Like August 18, 2024
"...we don't sell weapons here," Sprout answered. "But we do have zap apple jam still! Better hurry, this is our last supply of the year!" With that, she returned to cleaning up Rich's Barnyard Bargains.
Like August 18, 2024
Ghost covered his eyes for a moment, before revealing the biggest pair of Cute begging eyes, the kind that stares into your soul, and Kittens and other baby animals use to want something.
Like August 19, 2024
Taffy Twister!
“uhmmm uhhh uhh i have this lethality sticky taffy”
Like August 19, 2024
Bright Brave
"Poison. Nice."
Like August 19, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a stone column and landed right next to the pony. He smiled to them. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Phoenix Wind
#rp"I feel like I got ripped off in the talent department, punching stuff isn't very versatile as a skill... what about you, what sort of talent have you got?"
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“Accounting.” Bill stares off into the distance as he ponders on the very real possibility that he’ll spend the rest of his days behind a grey desk.
Like March 11, 2023
Phoenix Wind
"Accounting? So you get paid to count money.... damn, sounds like an easy gig" He muttered
Like March 11, 2023
Silverspark:"well I love painting and pulling pranks though I sometimes put a bit of my art in the pranks "grinning sheepishly
Like March 11, 2023
Shifter Burnside
Shooting stuff. Good thing for ya I left my ammo at home.
Like March 29, 2023
Zain T Reaper
Tossing a baked bread roll over towards the pegasus, Zain would smirk softly as he wondered if his senses could keep up with his new hair. Though appearances change over the years he wondered if Nyx ... View More
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Phoenix Wind
The pegasus caught the roll and gave a chuckle. It certainly looked like he had kept his training up. Despite aging as the years went he still looked quite good physically. Phoenix offered Zain a friendly smile "Look what the cat dragged in"
Like February 21, 2023
Zain T Reaper
"Cat? Sheesh, I haven't talked to a cat in years. Still, it's good to see you haven't let your rust spread over the years. How've you been! I'd love to get to know what my brother-in-arms has been up to. Especially with that mane." Wings fluttered and he smiled at her, curiously probing into his old... View More
Like February 22, 2023
Phoenix Wind
He gave a shrug "Scraping by however I can. Trying to raise my boy. It's been tough but doable. He's growing so damn fast I just had hope I got more right than wrong with the kid" He said as he scratched the back of his neck "How about you? What the hell have you been getting up to?" He asked with a... View More
Like February 23, 2023
Phoenix Wind
#rp"I've got a question. Guess I might be getting philosophical as I age... that or I'm just getting dumber. How would you define strength?"
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Phoenix Wind
The red sword boi might make a return
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How might he return?
Like December 20, 2022
Phoenix Wind
Jury is still out. Probably by crashing through a roof or something equally non subtle
Like December 20, 2022
Phoenix Wind
#rp Phoenix sighed as he loaded up a cart at the market. This mundane job bored him. He longed for excitement but he needed money. Above everything else his son had to have a good life. Lost in memori... View More
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Phoenix Wind
#rp Phoenix looked around curiously "Been gone for a bit. What's new around here?"
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Phoenix Wind
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