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on June 5, 2020
Spring theme!
Sundresses gently blown by the wind will be my undoing. Blessed piece by @Baby
Dimension: 987 x 1981
File Size: 719.58 Kb
20 people like this.
Aww now that's just cute.
Like June 5, 2020
Bright Brave
Hello dolly
Like June 5, 2020 Edited
Hello dreamy
Like June 6, 2020
Bright Brave
💚 Er... I mean... "Hello there."
Like June 6, 2020 Edited
Pat Pending
"Whew, looking good there ma'am"
Like June 6, 2020
T Kid
Random question. Is the flower on the hat real, and if so, what kind is it? (sorry I just got into gardening ^^;)
Like June 6, 2020
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Generally known as hibiscus though some refer to it as chinese rose
Like June 6, 2020
T Kid
Ah yes the Chinese flower. Truly a masterpiece.
Like June 6, 2020