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on June 9, 2020
R63 Mystic Mysteries because fun
I'm curious, would it be weird to have a genderfluid character that can change their appearance at will? I dunno if that would be kinda insensitive somehow or-
Base by Alina-Brony29
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 362.08 Kb
10 people like this.
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Sounds like half of the changeling ocs. I don't see an issue
Like June 9, 2020
Fair point-
Like June 9, 2020
Astral Empyrean
Astral can change herself as she see's fit. She isn't actually a physical being. She is a manifestation that can chose to present herself physically and non. She just chooses to maintain one look is all. So... No not really. And as pointed out. Changelings.
Like June 10, 2020 Edited