Roleplay Availability
About Me
My characters: have Discord if you ever want to messege me there or RP. (please only DM me if you are 18 or up.)EyesoreForTheBlind#8022My social medias:
Roleplay Universe
The Eyesore-verse, Alternate Universe in Equestria.
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It's an absolute wonder how something as simple as replacing the pen nib on your stylus can kickstart getting yourself back into art. Been in a slump recently and now I'm trying to destroy a piece I s... View More
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Also for anyone wondering CHANGE YOUR NIBS, THEY WEAR DOWN

June 3, 2024
You've returned!!!
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Man I'm so up and down on activity his website it's laughable. Remember it exists, post, dip for 6 months, rinse and repeat 🥲
mfw I continuously forget this place exists and I come in to post art and then leave for another three months because I forgot yet again that this place exists but not on purpose
Base by LambRot
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Ender with his favorite hoodie.
Also didn't like the way pants looked on his anthro legs so we're going with the logic of cartoons where characters wear shirts but not pants.
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"Just sayin' man, a sacrifice or two to the cardboard baler doesn't sound THAT bad. If those kids stopped riding the display bikes around the store I wouldn't suggest it!"
Retail sucks sometimes.
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