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Slurpee Hooves
on July 18, 2020
This was drawn a long time ago by an old acquaintance of mine from the iBrony days. She's gone by a couple names over the years but the two I knew her by are "Sleepyhead" and "Hikari". I post it now because, since I accidentally deleted my folder full of Slurpee Hooves art, this is now one of the few pictures of my OC I have left.
Dimension: 457 x 500
File Size: 215.02 Kb
10 people like this.
Slurpee Hooves
If you're wondering how this image in particular survived my deleting that folder, it's because this and a couple others were also saved in my prof pics folder.
Like July 18, 2020
Like July 18, 2020