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Twilight Sparkle
on August 12, 2020
"Trixie did it".
Dimension: 600 x 600
File Size: 95.34 Kb
5 people like this.
The Trixie would visibly see Ghostbit fight with himself from punishing her or comforting her. "M..M..Must!"
Like August 12, 2020
Krock Magica
Krock tried his best not to prove her otherwise from the way that Trixie tried to detest that she had broken the plate. Still, he was pretty sure she broke the plate just from looking at where she was in relation to the plate itself. "Oi..." He simply muttered to himself as he looked the broken piec... View More
Like February 28, 2021
Icy Creation
Best pony looking a bit adorable in this image here. Oh wait, this is really fucking old. Statement still applies, but also apologies for assisted necroposting.
Like February 28, 2021 Edited