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Icy Creation

Female. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. 21 years old
Unicorn Windigo Hybrid
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Ice! Inventions! Heavily and actively repressed trauma! Treehouses! Manticore venom hot sauce! We've got it all here, mates!
Chiroptera#0291, or chiropteraerudite, For if you want my Discord.
Roleplay Universe
Most of them.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Icy Creation
#rp The mare of snow walks down a road with her head down, a shovel on her back under the strap of saddlebags. Her wings by her sides not so clean these days, dirt staining some places on the ice. Her... View More
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A familiar sound could be heard from above, the soft air-cutting flaps of a thestral pair of wings and the crackle of fire. The ash and smoke trail that followed the culprit could be seen arching around and aiming downwards towards Icy... and it was coming in hot! Within a second, a highspeed blur f... View More
Like July 15, 2024
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Icy Creation
She blinks a few seconds, processing what just happened. Her wings out in surprise, she nearly swallows her ball candy whole. After two whole seconds of processing, she flurries forward as a puff of snow before reforming next to the crashed form of her inverse friend. She flaps her wings in concern,... View More
Like July 15, 2024 Edited
Phoenix simply groaned in response. At least, she did at first. Her eyes seemed to focus back in slowly as she stared up into the sky blankly. And, now that Icy was much closer to her, she'd find that the glow that was usually present in the thestral's mane, tail, eyes, etcetera... was gone! Well,... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Icy Creation
Icy takes all this in slower than she should, but she reaches something of a conclusion: Magic is failing her and ponies around her /again/. She levitates her shovel and saddlebags off her back and holds out a hoof to Phoenix to help her up. "What happened, Nix? What's wrong? Somethings wrong, yeah?... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Tarsus of The Fourth Court
Tarsus trots softly out of the surrounding shadows. His trademark grin, too wide for his face, adorning his muzzle. "You look like you just buried a body" He says with a chuckle. Tarsus reaches out, patting Icy's shoulder before withdrawing his hoof from the cold "But no worries, i wont tell~"
Like July 15, 2024
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Icy Creation
Icy looks at the being that just patted her shoulder, and feels the awfulness without even having to actively draw from him. Just her ambient emotional osmosis makes her slightly shift her wings, sharpening the tips of their 'feathers'. "I'm no murderer, I'm laying the foundation for my house. I'd a... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Tarsus of The Fourth Court
"hey, hey. my bad, just the dirt and the shovel makes it look a particular way." He says, the grin never leaving his face "No need to be..." He snickers "Hostile." He eyes Icy, sizing up how dangerous she might be, before completely ignoring her request and continuing to trot alongside her "If such... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Icy Creation
"If such a situation comes up," she corrects quickly, "I'll be turning myself in." She looks at him in return for a few moments. Is he here for entertainment? Probably, she thinks. Would denying him entertainment work? Probably, but then she bets he'd just steal her stuff out of spite. "Can you fly,... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would pop out of the ground and shake the snow off of his head. He looked up to Icy.* Icy, it been a long time. Wait a sec. *He noticed her aura, and climbed out of the ground. Matching her pace, he would follow along.* Hey, long time no see. Things good?
Like July 15, 2024
Tality, a relative newcomer, spots the wrapper on the ground. She doesn't much care, Equestrian wrappers are all biodegradable. We never used plastics for cheap packaging. What's the point? It's great for medical stuff and health & safety. But Celestia saw that crap happening and laid down the law r... View More
Like July 15, 2024
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Icy Creation
Icy blinks, tasting the... Excitement? Off the pony that just introduced themselves. And also the previous hatred, which was more filling but Wow was she glad when that emotion shifted like the sands in a desert. Which... This pony kind of reminds her of. "H-hi, there, I'm... Icy?" She pauses a mome... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Tality watches, fascinated, tilting her head. "Well, can't say I'm not a little disappointed. But you are definitely one interesting pony, regardless." She looks closer at the fine details, gasping as she takes it all in. Her eyes shift for a moment, turning solid instead of hollow as the receptors... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Icy Creation
Icy giggles. Smiling, she shakes her head, "It's fine, I do it too. I never realized how cute it was until now though!" A short pause, "I mean, unt-until a few months ago, when someone told me!" A very quick lie as she blushes and ruffles her still attached wing, reattaching the one she removed. She... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Icy Creation 2025 is only a year away. I guess it's time for me to try finishing the Prime trilogy again. Myself this time, instead of watching someone do it. Also, the music! This fe... View More
Icy Creation
Not unfortunately coming back to Rping- either regularly or generally- just yet, but popping back in to say Star Contr... View More
Icy Creation
To anyone seeing this that this might concern Sorry for the slowing replies. I kind of rely on my Adhd to stay consistent here, and my Adhd I think has decided to stop letting me do that, so I've been... View More
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Bright Brave
We still love you!
Like April 29, 2024
Icy Creation
Not even a day has passed, and the Free Stars: Children of Infinity kickstarter has hit three stretch goals and is 161% funded with $161k I have no idea how good that is, this is the first kickstarte... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Tell me, what is this Kickstarter about? Game, movie, clothes?
Like April 16, 2024
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Icy Creation It's a sequel to Star Control 2 from 1992 being made by the original few people who made that game. They lost the rights to the name Star Control over the years- a long story you can read up on yourself-, but they stil... View More
Like April 16, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
Either I'm too old or too young. This game, I don't think it is for me.
Like April 16, 2024
Icy Creation Has two of the best villain races in sci-fi gaming. Least look into it. There's a reason it's considered one of the best games ever made.
Like April 16, 2024
Icy Creation The trailer I posted a bit ago? Not even a quarter of the greatness that this kickstarter's description is... View More
Bright Brave
Stawp! I'm suppose to win! You pretty, intelligent, funny alicorn!
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Icy Creation
One of these days I want a profile picture that doesn't make her wings look real Fun fact: Icy is a unicorn
Like April 11, 2024
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Bright Brave
Cosplay wings ?
Like April 11, 2024
Icy Creation
Magitech wings. Designed them herself.
Like April 11, 2024 Edited
Bright Brave
Magic wings so she can fly? Funny now that Sunny Starscout has magic wings.
Like April 11, 2024
Bright Brave
So Icy made herself into a alicorn. XD Lord. I'd love to hear what a therapist says about that.
Like April 11, 2024
Icy Creation
I mean, being an alicorn is about more than having wings and a horn. Icy doesn't have earth pony strength, or full pegasus magic- she can't control weather- or increased unicorn magic. She made herself into a pegacorn if anything. A therapist would just say she wanted to fly and that's that. I mean... View More
Like April 11, 2024
Bright Brave
Like April 11, 2024
Icy Creation
Totality was beautiful Like a misty sheet of light streaming away from a completely dark sun. I wish the next one wasn't over twenty years away.
Icy Creation
Eclipse day today! Make sure not to stare at the sun unprotected
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"Not look at da wut ? "
Like April 8, 2024
Bright Brave
I for one am very excited.
Like April 8, 2024
Icy Creation Ahhhhh more update And more fun aliens! A species of bacteria with robotic companions? Are they space flight capable, or on one world like the Slylandr... View More
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