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Here you go buddy, I'm so glad that you entered my contest. I do wish to rp with you more so I can understand more of your OC's lore. It seem interesting to me. As well, I do love that super cool mane style. Now, I hope you enjoy this art. If you ever want to commission Notetaker again, he is a cool guy to get art from.
1200 x 1345
File Size:
444.17 Kb
9 people like this.

I can’t say how happy I was to wake up and see this waiting for me out such a smile on my face.
I would love to get some more RP’s too I love the idea of exploring more of Cloud’s lore.
Also it really makes me smile knowing you like his look.
September 13, 2020

Nitroxus Soulspins
I happy that you loved it. That's all that I try to do. I'm glad that you want explore your OC's lore. I only hope that I can help in some small way.
September 13, 2020