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Fable Daydreams
on October 9, 2020
I need opinions, should I turn my Fable Daydreams into this or should this be her second form that she can transform into?
Dimension: 1200 x 1183
File Size: 976.44 Kb
17 people like this.
Silver Shield
Like October 9, 2020
Fable Daydreams
Like October 9, 2020
Whatever that is its insanely adorable
Like October 9, 2020
Fable Daydreams
Why thank you!
Like October 9, 2020
Bright Brave
Like October 9, 2020
Fable Daydreams
I’m evolving! XD
Like October 9, 2020
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Either way you do it will still be super adorable.
Like October 10, 2020