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Just a big ol goober that likes to make friends and hopefully makes another's day with some smiles.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Bryce (Awesome) Shades
*Nitroxas would float down from the sky with a large umbrella. She looked tired and worn. Yet, her mane was still flawless. She was coming in for a fast landing...*
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce looked confused at first but then concerned as she was coming down faster, he quickly flew up there and caught her to at least help her slow her descent down to the ground. "So just dropping in now for a visit Nitroxas?"
February 16, 2025

Nitroxus Soulspins
*He would find out why she was coming in such a terrible manner. She was asleep at the umbrella. Upon his touch, she would stir awake.* Must find....friend...
*She was deep in sleep. Yet had the plan to go umbrella flying?*
February 17, 2025

Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"Friend...what is she talking about...hey ok? You need to get up..." He would jostle her a bit as he slowly hovered her down to safer lands as he didn't exactly want his passed out friend high up like she was
February 17, 2025

Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxas would wake up and shake up. She would look at Bryce and then blush.* I wasn't sure that~ Wait a sec. *Nitroxas would look at her surroundings. She nervously chuckle.* I apologize that you found me like this...
February 17, 2025

Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, you should worry about the most would be the bubble air mines. As I made them to explode if something too big was to touch them. I didn't want to injure any birds.
February 28, 2025

Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Well those sound fun....also ya I can respect that, it be a shame knowing the birds would be getting hurt by the mines if anything set them off, I will be extra careful cause I don't want you to get hurt cause of me"
February 28, 2025

Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would pump his arm.* Yea Shield Bro! Now I'm pumped. Since almost everypony told me that I shouldn't be putting them up there. As well the EPA worried that the bubbles might pop too. They won't.
March 1, 2025
Happy new year my friends! Glad we made it for another and hopefully many more to come!
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"Well then let's go find all the snow we can!!" He gets up picking her up with him on a journey to find all the snow!
December 26, 2024
And what a glorious journey it will be, a tale for the ages but that is a story for another time.
"What was that, Sophie?" she rubbed a hoof to their ear. The wind howling loudly from above.
"More snow? MORE SNOW?!!" puzzeled by the order, the storm pegasus picked up their speed and flew even faster, burying everything below in a heavy blanket of snow.
Bryce didn't even have any time to protest what Sophie said, from being to distracted by the amazing snow creation to Sophie yelling her demand, all he could do now was let out muffled yells from the snow.
December 27, 2024
OH MY GOSH THIS WAS ** BRYCE ** I DID NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE!! AHHH <3 <3 <3 SOO CUTE <3 Been way too long -- nooo wait. What happened to the long curly hair??? This is what threw me off!
Yup it's been me all along! Unless your thinking of another Bryce cause I don't think I remember having curly hair before, I always been a straight hair stallion, maybe cause it's so messy? Also Hi princess Silky!!
/whoo two weeks of freedom here I come! Now I got so much more free time for stuff and of course that means more shadow lurking!
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The days were getting closer and closer to the holiday as Bryce figured now was as good a time as any as he had set up his normal holiday stand of eggnog for any that want a glass, one side being a no... View More
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-Smirkes.- I'm assuming heats a turn on for you....and I haven't made love in a sauna yet, or hot springs so.....-get's closer and whispers in his ear.- Lets turn up the heat.
December 20, 2024
As she whispered into his ear he smirked as he looked at her. "Honestly it's two things, it can be a turn on for me but also cause it's super cold out so I figured it be a great spot for that, also I always wanted to do something like that in both of those things, so why don't we scratch both of tho... View More
December 20, 2024
-In a sultry voice.- Ohhhhh, adventurous. Lead on lover boy. -Follows close behind.-
December 20, 2024
Bryce looked at the ingredients he had at the moment as he thought to himself before shrugging. "Eh why the heck not? Who wants pancakes? I'll make some for you so just let me know." He say getting th... View More
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He stopped for a moment like his brain had to think about it. "Huh...that's a new one but ya I can do that for you, I'm hear to make some warm breakfast for friends not judge what they eat." He would shrug as he got what he needed to start making her special waffles.
December 7, 2024
"Ya I can make some gluten free pancakes for you, I couldn't call myself a good host or friend or even a self cook if I couldn't accommodate others." He say with a warm smile.
December 7, 2024
Oli involuntarily starts dancing in excitement. "CELIAC FRIENDLY PANCAKES!!" he giggles and hugs Bryce
December 7, 2024
Enjoying a nice walk through the snow with Bryce (Awesome) Shades!
Thank you so much for the picture Bryce!!!! <3
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"Thank you for spending the time out here with me in this little winter walk Sophie, always wonderful to spend time with you"
//Of course! Another gift for a wonderful friend ^^
Ela, convinced by her twin, arrived at Bryce's house after running a few errands. She wasn't entirely sure why she had been asked to come here today, but it mattered little.
After knocking on the doo... View More
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Hearing the door Bryce sighed as he made his way to answer. "Dang it Val it doesn't matter if you come dressed up a different way again, if I recognized you the first 10 times I will keep on realizing it's" as he opened the door he saw it was Ela as he looked at her, white powder on his cheek a bit ... View More
November 28, 2024
He looked away sad he didn't have anything to give her from all those cookies he had to make but it was alright as he looked at her with a smile. "Ah I see that is fair well if you haven't eaten anything yet I can make some food for us if you like? Or if you want we can go somewhere on my treat." He... View More
November 28, 2024
She seemed intrigued by his offer to prepare a meal. Ela hadn't had a proper meal in quite some time, as she had been so busy lately. “I would like to have dinner. I haven’t had the time to properly feed myself, and it has left me rather hungry, especially compared to the portions I’m normally used ... View More
November 28, 2024
He smiled as he closed the door behind her, the heater was on so it was sure to be nice and warm the moment she walked in as he had it quite comfortable in his place, as followed behind her as he pointed out to the living room. "Alright then sounds good, make yourself at home here or if you want you... View More
November 28, 2024
"Hmm maybe I should make cookies...who wants a cookie?" #rp
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He was almost baffled at her words as he just looked at her with a dumbfounded look. "Really Val just cause she doesn't show it...also I figured if anypony knew what I meant it be you since you seem to really like doing...nevermind." he sighed as he shook his head.
"I feel like that still is kind ... View More
November 27, 2024
He chuckled hearing her as she shook his head, he brought her a plate of hot cherry cookies as he placed them in front of her. "alright there you go Val just take it easy on the cookies there hot, and alright then guess I will be waiting for that at some point, though honestly if you had to guess wh... View More
November 27, 2024
"I don't know where you got that but I'm not complaining" he say pulling out ingredients
November 27, 2024
*Mellow would wink.* Never ask a mother how she does things. Double as much for a Soulspins~ *She would set out a strange fire brick oven that was big enough to cook at least 2 sheets of cookies, yet small and compact enough to place on a table.* Oh, my son makes the nicest things for his mother.
November 28, 2024
"Oh that's a great choice, one of my personal faves" he say with a smile getting the necessary ingredients ready. "I will get started on those right away for you."
November 29, 2024
He smiled as he pat her on the head gently, letting her now as easy as he could where he was as he chuckled. "Of course little friend I would gladly give you any sweet you would like, I made plenty different kinds so did you want cherry, snicker doodle or just regular chocolate chip? Or if you like ... View More
December 1, 2024
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